Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Saturday Morning Post: Take a Walk With Me

One of my goals for this year was to walk 45 minutes a day. Almost immediately I dropped into a pattern of walking for an hour or more most days.  

I walk outside if the weather is pleasant.  One disadvantage of living on this hill, is most of the time walking outside involves driving someplace, or taking the subway to someplace, to walk.  The steep hill, is too steep.  

If the weather is unpleasant, I walk on the treadmill in the gym just across the drive from the building we live in.  I take my IPad, with WiFi I am able to watch Youtube videos while I walk, 60 minutes, at 5% of more incline, between 2.2 and 2.4 miles per hour.  

When we are out of town, I still try to walk everyday.  I like walking airports, city streets, and well maintained trails. In Chicago we explored the tunnels that connect a bunch of buildings below street level.  There is a blogger who may well recognise the tunnel above, it connects a parking garage to a major medical center. 

Walking clears my mind, keeps my body moving, burns 500-600 calories an hour.  It gets me fresh air, and often sunshine.  It is me time. 

I walk at my own pace, stop randomly, and don't keep track of those around me.  I may not be the best person to walk with. If you are too fast, I will get frustrated, if you are slow I will walk away leaving you behind. Sweet Bear has a long running collection of photos of me walking away. 

Walking is good for me.   


  1. If SG could remember how to use his iPhone camera, there would be a whole lot of photos of ME walking away.

    1. Long legs and a fast metabolism.

  2. I agree that if you re going to walk with somebody else, make sure that they naturally walk at about the same pace as you. Outpacing and lagging behind are equally annoying.

  3. I enjoy walking. I find it meditative.
    We have several walking trails around Camden, though we have to drive to them; or we can walk through the Historic District and look at all the grand old houses.

    1. We often walk in old town Alexandria,

  4. I enjoy walking too and try to get out about 5 days/ week. I usually walk 45 minutes or so. I always am so glad when I do.

  5. They say walking is the best exercise of all.

  6. I can't wait for our weather to cool down a bit so I can do the same.
    When I was working in Chicago, I walked those underground tunnels to work during the winter months. I worked with one friend who would call it "walking with the mole-people."

  7. Walking is good for everyone, as my doctors keep telling me. I'm trying to get back to it, though it's difficult at my age.

  8. This is a commendable goal. I try to walk an hour a few times a week. The last 15 minutes get quite tedious.
