Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws August 28, 2024

What have I been up to?  Not much, it has been nice to be home for a week. I finished up a writing project, did a little shopping, finished a painting. 

HoW have I been feeling? Kind of crappy, a late summer head cold and a bit of a cough. An additional reason to nap and stay close to home. 

Who have I talked with? My sweet bear, Spo, Jim - a lawyer buddy, 

Where have I been? The farmers market, Aldi, the gym for treadmill time, the library, the Bourbon store, out to lunch. 

Who have I reached out to?  Paula - the dear sister-in-law in Cleveland, a couple of other family members. 

What did I find?  A Bolex 16mm movie camera.  A Youtuber posted about using one, borrowed from a friend.  I want it send it to him. I bought one at a garage sale over 40 years ago, that I have never used. Except when I went to send it, I couldn't find it.  I figured I had tossed it out. When we were packing for Chicago, I went looking for a cable, and there it was, in the back corner of the wrong drawer. Not where it should have been, in the last place I would have looked for it.  I am going to try to get if packed and shipped this week.  

What else did I do this week? Back in the early 1960's my father and a friend restored and flew a Fairchild 24 for a couple of years.  It was sold when I was in the first grade. A couple of my earliest memories are tied to the plane.  My father carried a photo of it in his wallet the rest of his life.  It is safe to say he loved that plane.  Seven years ago, I checked the FAA registration records and the plane was listed as in storage in new England.  I checked recently, and it is now in Florida, with a current registration.  I mailed the current owner a copy of the photo, and copies of my father's flight logs from when he flew it in the early 60's.  A little history, on an airplane that is nearly 90 years old. 

What am I ranting about this week? The lack of news reporting.  I truly miss Walter Cronkite, Peter Jenning, Huntley and Brinkley - journalists who reported the facts, and if it was commentary, set that apart clearly labeled as such.  I miss newspapers that had real reporters, who researched stories and verified sources, they have been replaced by thousands of freelancers, who vary vastly in the level of accuracy. I miss news editors that verified facts, corrected grammar, and would kill a story that lacked credibility. Makes go huhh! 5 out of 5 huhhs this week. 

What is my Wish for the week?  One last wave of summer heat, the pool is open through the 13th, I am hoping for a few more warm afternoon floats.  



  1. We all know about the Fox News, but there must be reputable broadcasters who you could tune into. I hope you soon get past feeling crappy.

    1. I slept well last night, that is a good sign of recovery.

  2. How amazing that your father's aeroplane is still functioning. I suspect he would have been very happy to know that. As for quality news, I am so glad that we have the BBC.

  3. You're right about news; it's all commentary and repeated commentary. I miss the days of giving me the story and letting ME think on it without you telling me what it means.
    I guess this "news" is the definition of being spoon-fed.

    1. And the newspaper profession, is no more.

  4. I'm sure the current owner of the Fairchild 24 will appreciate all that background history of the plane!

    1. It made me feel good to share it.

  5. I do miss all the news journalists that you mentioned. They were true professionals and as you said, they reported the news and the listeners could think for themselves. When we visited my grandparents, Grandpa would come in for lunch and listen to Paul Harvey. Paul Harvey had such a distinctive voice. At the end of his broadcasts, "The Rest of the Story." "This is Paul Harvey, good day."

    1. Back in the 80's there almost always a radio playing in my office, Paul Harvey was paused for.

  6. I had a very nasty cold two weeks ago. I hadn't had a summer cold in ages. I'll bet the airplanes owner will like seeing that history.

    1. The cold will run it's course.

  7. Wait, what does the bike that is in the photo at top have to do with the Wednesday W's?!
    I quit my subscription to the Chicago Tribune recently as the reporting has been going downhill for a while now...

    1. The bike is a French postal delivery bike.

  8. I agree with your rant.

    1. You worked in the days when you had to verify facts, to call them facts.
