Monday, August 05, 2024

Monday Moods: Surround Yourself

As I sit here writing this Chopin is playing in the background, on the walls around me, are framed photos, paintings, a certificate from the Zeppelin Ride, and a thank you from colleagues when I retired. When I started the job at the American Bar Association I mentioned to my boss one afternoon that I would start bringing in the diplomas and licenses to put up in my office.  He said, surround yourself with things that make you happy.  Whatever brings positive thoughts to you, is what you should surround yourself with. There were times when he was a very wise man. 

The diplomas and law licence went up on my bedroom wall, and the office wall was covered in framed photos of places I had been. When we moved to new office space a few years later, I created paintings to brighten my windowless office (a couple of which I kept when I retired, a couple where left behind.) 

I find that my mood is influenced by what I see, hear, feel, smell, taste.  If I control what comes into my senese, I can help to direct my mood. This effort includes a deliberate editing of news that I read or listen to, careful selection of the music that almost constantly plays in the background, what books I read, what television I watch (not much anymore.) I don't need negativity, or drauma, or political commentary masquerading as news (90% of what is on CNN, and 100% of what is on Fox it political commentary - not news.) So I don't let it in. 

Surround yourself with things that reflect the mood you want to live. This is not the total answer, but it can't hurt. 


  1. I’m with you when it comes to surrounding myself with what helps and editing out what I can’t or don’t want to manage at a given time.

    1. The cats and SG surround you with love.

  2. See, feel and taste are big ones for me.

    1. Textures - I should pay more attention to.

  3. "mood is influenced by what I see, hear, feel, smell, taste." If I didn't know any better I'd say you were one of us visual people. LOL

  4. Chopin playing in the background? That's surprising as I understood that he died in October 1849 at the tender age of 39. It was tuberculosis that got him.

    1. Ah, many ghosts around this part of the world.

  5. Carlos and I are not "stuff" people; we have things around the house that we like, he likes, and I like, and they tell a story of a travel, of a time in our lives before and after we met, and of our families and friends.
    it's peaceful.

    PS I'm with you on CNN; it's become nothing more than opinion and no longer news.

    1. Ted has said he regrets selling CNN.

  6. Good advice. I have certainly surrounded myself with things that make me happy. My house walls are covered with photos I have created either from nature or my travels. I like it that way.

    1. And I am back home this evening.

  7. Good advice. I am sitting with a cup of coffee (taste and smell), taking time to look at the things that are on my shelves and appreciate why they bring joy. Same for the art on the walls (sight), my fuzzy Ugg blanket on the couch (feel), and some Michael Stanley Band playing on Spotify (sound). Happy Monday!

    1. I should work more on contact items.

  8. You have created a peaceful haven for yourself.

  9. Age comes wisdom. Well that what they say.

    1. And it replaced boundless energy

  10. My diplomas are on the lower shelf and the one from medical school is behind me between the floor and the window (hey it fit) What the patients and I 'see" is Ralph, the polar bear
