Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thursday Ramble: Blogging, Bloggers, Comments, Spammers and Trolls

I blog because I enjoy doing it. It is a chance to share some the photos I take, a place to vent about what is on my mind, and blogging obligates me to work on my writing.  I hope to continue doing this as long as I have something to show, or say and the ability to do so. 

I have met some wonderful people through blogging, several in person who have become dear friends, others only online that I enjoy trading messages with.  I hope to meet more bloggers in person.   

There are a few bloggers that I have given up on.  Some are too eager to share their political views (I have to be careful on this front, I have crossed the line a time or two,) some simply have a bad attitude about life and spend too much time complaining that others had it easier than they did, or obsessed with the unimportant things in life.  I delete their bookmarks and seldom if ever read their posts. 

I have grown intolerant of racism, sexism, classism, and a whole list of other "isms."  There are a few bloggers that from time to time post things that offend me. Not all of the time, but from time to time.  Most of the time I just read the post and move on.  Commenting telling them how wrong they are is troll behaviour. Sometimes those posts inspire me to write a post for my blog, offering a different point of view.  

I love comments. Occasionally I receive comments that are unkind.  The comment may be a misunderstood attempt at humor.  I think every comment deserves a reply. My reply to a rude comment is most often a generic thanks for commenting.  Once in a while I will respond explaining why I think the comment is offensive.  I try to limit this, as some commenters will take that as meaning I don't welcome or like them. When I talk with bloggers and go over my list of bloggers friends, I often hear "I don't think he likes me." This is triggered by a strong response to a comment that the blogger found offensive - and people taking the response personally. The response was most likely appropriate. 

Trolls are mean, evil, nasty people who find joy in making ugly comments to others.  I have been lucky in that I have had few of these over the years, and never one that hung around and kept coming back.  The best advice I have for dealing with trolls, is don't feed them.  They feed on responses in kind.  Deescalate, the louder they get, the quieter the response should be.  

Spammers I have no use for.  When they find me, they usually post comments on several posts.  I simply go into comments, report them as spam, and permanently delete them. I truly wish I could block them as some come back from time to time. If they want to advertise on my blog, they can contract with Google and buy ad space.  

I have to check the Spam filter in Blogger regularly.  The filter catches some of the real spam, but more often it catches comments from my blog friends, it even catches some of my responses to your comments on my blog.  If you post a real comment, and it does not appear, give me a day or two, I don't check everyday, I will release you from blogger prison as soon as I can.  You can use the message box to let me know that you have a comment missing.  


  1. I couldn't agree more with everything you said here and are pretty much the same reasons I blog. Like yourself a very seldom get any trolls. I know some bloggers seem to have a lot of issues with this and I'm not sure why? Or what even attracts them to certain blogs.

    I have almost given up on blogger a few times recently because of the comment thing sending things to spam. And it seems to be getting worst. I now got in the habit of checking spam daily. If blogger makes to many changes down the road and ends up more lile WordPress which i find extremely un-user friendly...then I will hang it up.

    1. Comments can be annoying. I really wish it had a block button.

  2. I too can identify with all that you say here. Blogging has been a great way for me to make "virtual " friends and I have been fortunate enough to have avoided the blog is too boring for them!

    1. Traveling as much as I do, I have met 8 or 9 bloggers in person.

  3. I, too, rarely receive an unpleasant comment. In one case, I simply deleted it with no reply. I once told a blogger what I thought of an offensive post. She got so nasty, that I simply stopped following her and learned to not bother. Now, if someone shows themself to be racist, sexist, misogynist, or a number of other “ists,” I immediately stop following them. I try to keep up with spam daily, but I forget sometimes.

    1. And you have met some nice people through blogging.

  4. I don't often get ugly comments, but if I do, I delete; it's my blog and the hate doesn't need to be there.
    Now, if your opinion differs from mine I leave that up and may comment on it, or not.
    I get a few trolls, but most go right into spam which I check regularly to release the real commenters to the blog!

    1. Your blog is often brilliant, funny, political, and sexy.

  5. What can I say beyond I like this post. I haven't received a nasty comment for many years. I feel a bit sad about losing bloggers who I thought I had connected with, but no matter. I don't lose sleep.

    1. You are on my daily read list.

  6. So far I seem to have wriggled through the penguin net which is a relief. I have a couple of trolls who keep coming back to me after three or four years. I never respond to them - don't want to provide them with any oxygen at all - but they keep coming back. Nasty in their arrogance.

    1. I sometimes have to release you from blogger comment jail, this morning it was two of my comments in detention.

  7. One thing I love about blogging land is that the vast majority are friendly and kind people. It's a great place to post photos and make new friends. I try to check the spam folder everyday and like you, I usually find comments there from regular readers. Who knows why that happens. About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I started posting just one photo a day on my Sharon's Sojourns site. I noticed that a certain spammer found those posts and started posting comments there with links. Like you, I just mark them as spam and move on.

    1. I have not been looking at your second channel, I should.

  8. I always enjoy your blog! I'm so glad I found you from Yorkshire Pudding's blog. I am not a blogger but do love to read them. I usually try to say something nice or humorous if I comment and sometimes don't comment at all if I can't think of anything to say but I read every post! Keep up the great work! :)

    1. I hope I have something to be worth coming back to often. There are a few non-blogger who are great with comments. We would love to have you join us as bloggers.

  9. Blogging sounds exhausting! I appreciate each and every one of you. I can go weeks without commenting but that's usually me resting this fabulous brain of mine. Who am I kidding? I get lazy.

    1. We look forward to every word when you grace us with comments. We would love to have you join us as a blogger.

  10. Well said! I've been fortunate to have had few spammers or trolls; perhaps they think I am not worthwhile. I would add to your list bloggers who are 'one-sided' relationships. I drop by them but they don't drop by me. However there are a few I still do as I like them.

    1. There are a couple that I visit that don't seem to allow comments, but post interesting content.

    2. Yes I have a few of those as well.

  11. I enjoy blogging and have made many cyber friends in the process. When I first began blogging, this one guy really wrote some nasty comments that offended me. I don't have a thick skin. That's why I have my comments on moderation as I don't need people randomly posting mean stuff on my blog.
