Thursday, August 01, 2024

Thursday Ramble: Fall Travel Plans

Half of the fun, and much of the fret, of traveling is in the planning. Some of the plans get rather elaborate with complex transportation and multiple hotels all strung together seamlessly, we hope. 

So what is coming up.  

We are headed to Chicago for a few days. I have a couple of days of committee meetings for a board I serve on. We have a couple of old friends in the city we can meet up with. This is a fairly simple trip, Subway to the airport, fly there, CTA Blue Line into the city, taxi to the hotel, only one hotel, CTA back to the airport, and if the flight is on time, the subway back home from the local airport.  

Later this fall we have a two week road trip.  Cleveland to visit Sweet Bears' family, then Michigan to visit my mother's home town (I have never seen it), across the state for a wedding,  Ft. Wayne Indiana to visit my family, then Dayton to visit the Air Force Museum and meet a blogger, then the trip home is over two days. Probably 1,500 miles of driving, 6 different hotels.  This was shortened the original concept was over 2,000 miles, and three weeks.  

Shortly after the road trip, we are taking the train to New York City, for a couple of days.  This is fairly simple, the subway, to the local train station, the train to NYC. Probably a taxi to the hotel, unless the weather is really nice, the hotel is only a 15 minute walk from the train station, one hotel, then do that in reverse to get home.  Stephen who got me started on blogging all of those years ago, is flying into NYC with his hubby, to celebrate a landmark birthday. We will see them while we are there (the last time we met was in London in March of 2020, just as the world as we knew it was coming to an end.) We will catch up with another friend while in NYC.  It is a short trip, we are really only there two days.  

Then unless something unexpected comes up, we are home, until early 2025, there is a conference in Phoenix around the first of February, that will likely go to.  Then next April we go back to sea.  Next August's board meeting is in Toronto - I like that city.   


  1. Someday you sound like me. Are we coming or going?

  2. Sounds like some fun travel. Toronto especially.

    1. There is a restaurant there that serves seal.

  3. I imagine you are a perfect planner, and traveler, though you leave room for the unexpected.

    1. And an occasional wrong turn, I ended up in France that way one day.

  4. Well, I will be waving hello from the suburb of Naperville when you visit Chicago!

    1. The guy in the window seat had the shade down, or I would have waived back

  5. You have a lot going on in the travel area. Obviously, you are way more organized than I am. I have thoughts about several trips but haven't made any final decisions. I need to get busy. Time flies!

    1. Block the dates, book the travel and hotel, and the rest fills in.
