Sunday, August 04, 2024

The Sunday Five: Olymics

1: Have you been watching the Olympics? 

2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? 

3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? 

4: What is your favorite sport to watch? 

5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics?

My Answers: 

1: Have you been watching the Olympics? Probably an hour a day. 

2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? There is plenty.

3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? Sleeping

4: What is your favorite sport to watch? Cycling, or swimming.

5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics? Atlanta, London, Paris, Athens, 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: Have you been watching the Olympics? No, which is unusual for me.
    2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? I don’t watch TV, so have no idea.
    3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? Parallel bars (a real activity that I like to IMAGINE myself doing).
    4: What is your favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics, diving.
    5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics? Yes, but none while the Olympics were on.

    1. I have to agree, none while the Olympics were on

  2. 1: Have you been watching the Olympics? Some ... it's on too many channels and there's no telling what's on when or where.
    2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? I say too much because it's so many channels. Run it 24/7 on one channel and let people know what's happening when.
    3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? Sarcasm.
    4: What is your favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics, swimming, track, dressage. It's a toss up.
    5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics? Not during the Olympics, but LA, Squaw Valley [now Palisades Tahoe], Atlanta and London.

    1. And the Gold goes to

    2. Well, I did skate on the Olympic Ice Arena so maybe Palisades Tahoe ...

  3. 1: Have you been watching the Olympics? Yes I have but probably not with the same keen interest as usual.
    2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? Excellent coverage from the BBC as always and no ad. breaks! Just right.
    3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? The poetry writing dressage event.
    4: What is your favourite sport to watch? At the Olympics? I pretty much like it all to tell you the truth but in normal life it has to be football - the proper kind of football not the stop-start complicated American version with the padding and the helmets.
    5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics? Yes... London, Rome, Berlin, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Munich, Amsterdam, Paris.

  4. 1. Yes, a little bit each evening
    2. There is enough.
    3. Worrying.
    4. No favorites Whatever is on...
    5. Not during the Olympics... but I saw the stadium in Beijing!

    1. China! Someplace I will probably never visit.

    2. My middle son got married there so I went for the wedding. Matt and his new bride, NingJing, took us on a fabulous tour to Shanghai, Xian, Nanjing and Beijing! Amazing sights!

  5. 1: Have you been watching the Olympics? No, only what is shown on the news
    2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? I actually don't know.
    3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? I don't think there is one but I love your answer.
    4: What is your favorite sport to watch? I'd say gymnastics but that's probably because that's what is shown on the news the most.
    5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics? London and Paris.

    1. A friend owns an apartment in Paris, and was there until Friday.

  6. This will be to all of them!!!!!!

    I'm also mixed on the Olympics. Well I think it's great that we can get recognition to these wonderful athletes, the amount of money that goes into them and getting cities ready blows my mind. How is all this money founded for games and getting your cities infrastructure ready yet when we need to find these Monies for other uses like fixing the cities up feeding the poor or helping the homeless money can't be found.

    1. Why do we raise taxes to build billion dollar stadiums, to pay absorbent ticket prices to watch overpaid athlete to play children's games?

  7. 1: Have you been watching the Olympics? Yes, for a little while in the evening.
    2: Where you live is there too little or too much coverage? I don't watch TV during the day so what I watch at night is sufficient.
    3: What real or imagined activity could you win an Olympic medal at? Hmmmm...good question!
    4: What is your favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics, swimming, track, and I enjoy watching the other sports that are televised. All these athletes are the best from their countries and to see their skill level is so inspiring.
    5: Have you lived in or visited a city that has hosted the Olympics? Haven't lived in a host city and I looked at a list of all the host cities, so here goes...Paris, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, St. Louis, Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe), and Munich. We went to the Atlanta Olympics and had walked past the spot where Eric Rudolph had planted the bomb an hour before it exploded.

    1. St Louis must have been some years ago, been there a few times.

  8. 1. do not actively watch since I don't have a TV. Follow the occasional clips on YouTube.
    2. Coverage expands to fill the vacuum
    3. Bitchiness
    4. Gymnastics, swimming, diving, rowing, paddling, and cycling
    5.Have visited, Squaw Valley, Munich, Paris, Amstedam, and London. Was living in Los Angeles during the 1984 games.

    Will Jay

    1. And the Olympics return to LA in four years.

    2. But now LA has light rail and subway 😁

      Will Jay

    3. I have ridden the subway.

  9. 1. No. Never.
    2. I don't pay attention. I own a plethora of dvds.
    3. Even in my own imagination I wouldn't win anything.
    4. None. It used to be figure skating (I know, winter) back in the Torville and Dean days.
    5. I've visited Los Angeles and St Louis.

    1. The Games will be back in your corner of the country before you know it. You would win Gold in preciousness.

  10. I used to be so 'into them' but haven't watched in decades. No time.

    1. How do you feel about your time? Does what fills your days - make you happy?

    2. Most of the time yes, and when I things I look for some happiness therein.

  11. 1. Just a little.
    2. Lots, I guess.
    3. I can't even imagine won.
    4. I'll watch anything that moves, I guess, but I prefer gymnastics, swimming and diving.
    5. I'm surprised how many I've visited: Paris, St. Louis, London, Los Angeles, Innsbruck, Munich, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City. I was at the games in LA in 1984 as a television journalist.

  12. Make that last word in my answer to #3 "one". Guess I was dreaming of glory!

    1. I should have looked up a list, I celebrated a birthday in Munich, I have been through Salt Lake City.
