Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Thursday Ramble: Asking for a Favor

I am going to break my own rule about never talking about religion, sex, or politics. 

Religion, you are free to have your own, but please don't try to impose your religion on others.  If you want to see examples of what happens when you mix religion and politics, look at Iran, or Afghanistan. 

Sex, well I was never very good at, and others do a much better job of talking about sex than I ever could.  

If you haven't heard there is a Presidential Election coming up soon in the United States. All elections are important, this one seems especially important.  

Many would say this is one of the most important Presidential elections in many years here in the United States. Voter turnout is critically important in this election.   

There is a simple principle of human nature, Barack Obama's campaign captured this brilliantly, when we have a personal stake in the election, we are much more likely to follow through and vote on election day.  His campaign asked for small donations, less than $10, and received them from millions of voters who had never before made a campaign donation, then those important contributors showed up on election day and voted.  The big dollar donors get the press, on election day, they are just one vote, the same as the person who gave  $7, one vote. You and your small donation are just as important as some windbag wanna be billionaire (looking at you Elon.)

So the favor, make a small donation to your favorite Presidential Candidate today.* Click the button for other amount, $5, $10, $20 the amount is not as important as the personal commitment to be a part of the process of charting the future of our country. 

I have done this, please join me in making an affordable donation today, and in voting on election day.  

* Rules You Must be:

  • I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  • This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  • I am at least eighteen years old.
  • I am not a federal contractor.
  • I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person. 


  1. They have got it right over in Australia where citizens are legally obliged to vote. In contrast, many Americans are effectively disenfranchised and therefore excluded from the democratic process. This impacts disproportionately upon black and Hispanic communities... but I guess that you knew that already.

    1. Election day, is a work day for most Americans.

  2. I did kind of hear there was a Presidential Election, lol.
    If only black and other minority groups would get out there and vote. And, if they vote correctly, that their lives will improve.
    That's interesting about how donors have an investment in the outcome. I have not heard of this before, but it makes sense.

  3. I have always thought that the way we elect presidents is bizarre. Clinton would have won in 2016, and Gore would have won with the popular vote too in 2000. I would love to see the electoral college abolished, but I don't think it will happen in my lifetime. I try and not discuss politics on my blog as well, but lately it has been hard for me. I am so enthusiastic about a Harris/Walz ticket!

    1. Spread the truth, and get people out to vote. As Walz urged a crowd, beat the crap out of him at the ballot box.

  4. I agree that the Electoral College should go and I also agree we need to vote the crap out of The Felon!

    1. There is a lot of crap to splatter on this one.

  5. Bravo!! I've done this for the first time since Obama. I will probably do it again before November. The stakes are very high!

    1. Thank you for being a part of this.

  6. I will vote Blue (I usually do!)

    1. Take a like minded friend with you to vote.

  7. Sex, well I was never very good at it - do you mean writing about it?

    1. The first person to catch those words.
