Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Sunday Five: Who are we

1: What household pet most describes you? 

2: What barnyard animal most describes you? 

3: What drink most describes you? 

4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? 

5: What insect represents your life? 

My Answers: 

1: What household pet most describes you?  A cat, I am warm, but can be hard to connect with. 

2: What barnyard animal most describes you? A sheep, sweet but fragile. 

3: What drink most describes you? Iced coffee, cold and stimulating. 

4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? A sugar Maple, hard and sweet. 

5: What insect represents your life? Has to be a honeybee, I grew up with them, treat them with respect and you will be fine, cross them and you get stung. 

Please share your answers in the comments, your first thought if always the best answer.  No bull! 


  1. 1. A dog, but at my age a cat would be better. Both are fine really.
    2. A hen who stands alone from the pack. She is assertive for food and her other needs but otherwise is quite happy to stand back.
    3. A martini. A little sharp but perfectly pleasant if it comes with an olive, to enjoy. But take care, don't abuse a martini. It can knock you down flat.
    4. An Australia gum tree. It can survive drought, pestilence, floods and fire, can adapt to many environments and live to a very old age. (Not sure about the last bit really)
    5. I'll go with bee too, for the same reasons as yourself.

  2. I’m afraid these questions leave me at a loss. Sorry about that!

    1. A lot out of the box this week.

  3. 1. Cat. Constantly needing validation, but on my timeline only - and then I'll still dismiss you.
    2. A baby goat? Starts out cute as fuck, but then just becomes annoying as fuck.
    3. Margarita. Sour. Salty. Under all that, could kick your ass.
    4. Poplar. Grows quickly, but leaves roots fairly exposed making it easy to topple.
    5. Dragonfly. No one knows what it's there for or what it does.

  4. 1: What household pet most describes you? Clearly a cat; I can be aloof and solitary when I want, but then come running for cuddles and attention.
    2: What barnyard animal most describes you? Barn owl ... always watching, always paying attention.
    3: What drink most describes you? An Oregon Pinot, smooth with all sorts of underlying details.
    4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? Red Leaf Japanese maple ... looks innocent but turns fiery sometimes.
    5: What insect represents your life? I'd say a bee. I can sting at times.

    1. A keen observer of life and people.

  5. I'm a honeybee because that's what my name "Debra" means!

  6. 1: What household pet most describes you? A cat, prowling in the night.
    2: What barnyard animal most describes you? A cockerel (American: rooster) keeping my harem in order.
    3: What drink most describes you? A mug of English breakfast tea with milk and a spoonful of sugar.
    4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? A yew tree - almost everlasting.
    5: What insect represents your life? A goliath beetle - big, strong and independent.

  7. 1: What household pet most describes you? A dog because I'm friendly but will bite if provoked.
    2: What barnyard animal most describes you? A cow, slow and methodical.
    3: What drink most describes you? Iced tea, cool and mild mannered.
    4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? A pine tree, growing rounder as I age.
    5: What insect represents your life? A butterfly, just because I like them.

  8. 1: What household pet most describes you? Hamster-sleeps a lot, hides when frightened, also strong physical resemblance
    2: What barnyard animal most describes you? Platypus-I have a very weird farm
    3: What drink most describes you? Vanilla malt-luscious, refined, sophisticated
    4: What kind of a tree could we plant to represent you? red maple-flashy, elegant, attracts attention
    5: What insect represents your life? praying mantis-annoy me and I'll eat you alive

  9. I'm drawing a blank on these!?! The only one I can answer is #3 - water. No deep reason, only because it is all I drink these days...

  10. Great fun. I posted this on my blog.

  11. 1. House Cat
    2. Barn Cat
    3. Vodka
    4. Cactus
    5. Roach


  12. 1: Old dog
    2: Griffin
    3: water with a twist of lime
    4: cedar
    5: stinkbug
