Friday, August 09, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience: #18 Don't Even Think About Driving in a Major City


I learned this one the hard way in 1990.  I flew from Florida to London and rented a car to drive into the city.  How else would I get into the city?  I got lost, traffic was unbelievably bad and unbelievably confusing.  When I see Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, I have driven past those.  I finally paid a taxi driver to show me the way to the hotel, parked the car and didn't move it again until I went back to the airport a week later. 

I have driven in and out of Chicago, but I avoid it if I can.  I am very careful about driving into Washington DC, going when I know traffic will be manageable.  

A few years ago my one and only cousin went to France for the 24-hour race at LeMans. The trip started with four days in Paris.  I advised him to not rent a car until he was headed to LeMans, take a train out of the city and rent a car.  He ignored me.  24 hours and several parking tickets later, he took the car back to the airport and returned it to the rental company. Picking up another car on the way to LeMans.  He said that first 24 hours, he spent 6 hours searching for a parking space, then picked up parking tickets every place he parked. 

Traffic is a nightmare in major cities.  Parking is hard to find and expensive when you do find it in many cities.  Enjoy your travel experience, don't drive into headaches. 


  1. I never drive in major cities. I take the train in, then it's a car service, taxi or Uber. Then I can relax and take it in. No worries, no finding parking, no fuss no muss. Besides....I drive like Cruella DeVille. So I'm told.

    1. I have never driven into Philly, great transit, no reason to get lost in that traffic.

  2. Very wise advice. Before you visit a city, especially a big city or in Europe and Great Britain, take five minutes to look at public transport. It will usually be the cheapest and easiest way to get around.

    1. Parking at the hotel in Chicago last week was $81 a day, train from O'Hare to the city was $5, we spent $60 on taxis in five days.

  3. I prefer NOT driving in larger cities while on vacation because having someone else--mass transit, cabs, etc--do the driving makes it easier than having me tryin g to find parking or trying to find the **** whatever it is **** I'm looking for.

    1. Oh was I lost in London that time.

  4. Sooner I'd eat rats at Tewkesbury than rent any car. Happily when we travel Someone always does the driving anyway.

    1. Some places, no one should drive

  5. I'm used to driving in Chicago as I have lived in the suburbs all my life. Patience is definitely needed but I'm usually not in a rush and just take my time.
    I would never drive in other big cities, tho!

    1. I have seen people try to drive motorhomes into DC

  6. Ahh...perfect advice. I have only rented a car in Europe once and that was way back in 1985 when traffic was easier and travelers fewer. I picked it up from a small town in Germany. I drove it through Germany, Austria and dropped it at the airport in Munich. And, I never rented a car in Europe again. I quickly learned that public transit was way less stressful.

  7. I couldn't agree with you more.
