Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws August 21, 2024

Where have I been? Home, the grocery store, the farmers market, the gym, the condo Community Center, the airport, Cleveland, and back home again. 

What are the photos above?  The Arts group here at the condo is hosting a show, of work by residents, with a theme of Splash of Color. There are 19 artists in the show. I have three paintings in the show. 

What is new? I have have been asked to be the legal editor for a consumer publication for Harvard Medical School. 

What am I reading? An Agatha Christie novel.  It is time to go back to the library for a new reading stack. 

When is the next event?  I have a birthday coming up next week. 

Who have I heard from? Mitchel, John, Blobby, Karen, Jim, Susan and Anna, and lots of family. 

Who deserves a big Thank You! Neighbors who help out when we are away, and away again, and away again. 

What surprises me? The number of wonderful comments on my little blog.  

What made me go, huh! The Priest presiding at the funeral Mass, was wearing Crocks.  If you have seen the old British comedy Father Ted.  Three out of Five, Huhs! 

What is my Wish for the week? That we all find our purpose in life. 

Later edit: 

What reminded me of kindness? On the way back to the hotel from the funeral home late on Monday we stopped at McDonalds for a little comfort food.  There was an older person in the dining room, dressed in a hooded winter coat on a warm August evening, talking - really arguing with herself.  A wheelchair sat next to her, piled full of bags of belongings.  She gathered up her stuff, and leaning on the wheelchair as she pushed it ahead of her, started out the door.  The door was pushing back against her almost harder than she could push against it.  The young employee who was mopping the floor, set aside his work, and held the door for her, then went ahead of her and held open the outer vestibule door.  That was not his job, just a little human kindness. for a fellow human who appeared to be having a difficult night.  McDonalds should promote him to CEO of kindness.  


  1. I LOVE the photo of you, and what a artful backdrop. Congratulations on that and on the invite from Harvard Medical School. And a birthday soon!

    1. One of my goals for the year, was to become more involved in the community.

  2. Yes, like Mitchell, I appreciated the photo also. And what a great list of Ws! Very upbeat and positive, just what I needed!

    1. The world has more good than anything else.

  3. Were you wearing a name badge in case you forgot who you are? Behind your head there seems to be a picture of a terraced street somewhere in England I would say.

  4. Neighbours are great when you are in need of help. We need to cultivate them and offer the same help in return.

  5. The Condo Art Show is such a marvelous idea! I love the old "Father Ted" series.

    1. The arts group does about 10 shows a year. Some have a featured artist, others have a theme.

  6. What a great idea, the condo art show, because you never know what the neighbors are creating. Cool that you showed off your colorful side.

    I agree about the small acts of kindness; what does it hurt and it makes so many people feel better.

    And I may be wrong because I am no biblical scholar, but doesn't Leviticus say something about priests not wearing crocs. Again, I could be wrong!

    1. There has to be something in scripture about this.

    2. The rubric on natural fibers. Ain't nothing natural about Crocs.

      Will Jay

  7. It is good to spot kindness and joy and celebrate it! Great job on the artwork!
    Hope you have some fun planned for your birthday!

    1. At this point, I look forward to a quiet day on my birthday.

  8. Great work with the art show. Your paintings fit the theme perfectly! I love that McDonalds story. Things like that are wonderful to witness and should be noticed.

    1. There is so much good in the world.

  9. You have your own art wall !!!!!

    1. You should see the walls at home,

  10. I suspect the three abstracts are your work. Very nice attention to the theme. And thanks for noticing that little act of kindness at McDonald's. More of those would make this a better world.

    1. The three over my shoulder. lines and colors.
