Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws, August 14th 2024

Where have I been? The Cleveland Clinic, heart institute.

Why? Sweet Bear's oldest brother had surgery four weeks ago and it has not gone well.  He was semi conscious, on a ventilator, dialysis, liver insufficiency, infections, the whole 9 yards. 

What did I observe for the first time? Life supports being disconnected and someone die. It was very peaceful and surprisingly swift. 

Who have I spent time with? Paula, Ed, Tim, Diane, John, Todd, lots of family.  

What have I been eating?  Hampton Inn breakfasts, Italian, a great salad or two, more Italian, Nuts - we went to the factory outlet for the King Nut Company.  Peterson's King Nut packages many of the snacks served on airlines. The factory outlet is near the hotel we stayed in. 

What is next? The funeral will not be for a few days, we will be returning to Cleveland soon. 

What else? I have three paintings going into a community art exhibit opening this coming weekend.   

When is the next adventure?  September. 

Who deserves a big THANK YOU! The nurses.  They do amazing work under difficult conditions. I don't how they keep all of those pumps and monitors working. 

HoW am I doing?  Okay, kind of quiet and reflective. 

What am I thinking about? Writing the book, that I have said I would never do.  I have spent 30+ years reading everything I can find on health care decision making and end of life care. I have seen it done well, and not well. I did volunteer work for hospice for several years.  I don't know if I will commit the time to 250 pages of text, I should. Kind of like writing another blog over the course of a year or so. 

What else? I am looking forward to the last few weeks in the outdoor pool, it closes in early September. I may move onto the indoor pool. Time in the water seems to be therapeutic for me. 

What is my Wish for the week? That American politics continues to move forward in good ways (more on this tomorrow) and a few days at home. 


  1. My condolences to you both. Thank heavens your loved one didn't have to suffer too long. You'll most likely end up writing the book. Anything you set your mind to you generally have done

    1. Thank you, we passed by your fair city, in our travels.

  2. Sorry to hear about Sweet Bear's brother. It sounded like it was peaceful.

    1. The doctors and nurses assured that his passage was peaceful and we were surprised how fast.

  3. Sorry to read about J’s brother. I’m glad his departure was peaceful. Thinking of you both.

  4. 1. Condolences to you and to Sweet Bear on the death of his brother.
    2. Yes. I encourage you to write that book. Step by step. A page or two per day and as you suggest - after a year - it will be done. If you don't do it, the idea will keep nagging at you.

    1. I have an outline, and last evening would fill another chapter.

  5. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Nurses are truly in the front lines of medical care.

    1. The docs give the orders, and the nurses do all of the work.

  6. Sorry to you and your Sweet Bear for your loss.
    I was in the rooms when both of my parents passed and I remember it being peaceful and calm.

  7. My condolences to Sweet Bear and you on your loss. Difficult and sad.

    1. He was a joy, a Phd in medieval theology from the Sorbonne. He worked all of his life teaching or helping others.

  8. I am sorry to hear about Sweet Bear's brother. I am sure it was a comfort to him to be there. I hope the funeral will be a time to share memories of happier times together.

    1. We are glad we went when we did, it helped us, and really helped his wife.

  9. Sorry about your and Sweet Bear's loss. Times like these are difficult for all of us. It's so hard to know what to do.

    1. The hard choice is sometimes the best choice.

  10. Kudos to you for praising nurses. They do all the dirty work in hospitals and generally keep a smile on their faces. And, other than details that doctors get bogged down, in they seem to know more than doctors. At least in how to treat people. All hail nurses!

    1. They were amazing under difficult circumstances.

  11. A tender set of Ws; thank you for posting these.

    1. Thanks, it has been a tender week.
