Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Thursday Ramble: Back Home Again

August has been an intense month.  Five fun days in Chicago, seeing old friends, and past co-workers.  Networking, and eating. Home for a few days, then driving to Cleveland. Five nights in Cleveland, important time spent with with dear family, ending with a once in a lifetime event. Home for a few days, then back to Cleveland for Ed's funeral. We returned home late on Tuesday evening.  Now we are home, for a few weeks.  

With the timing of the flights, and limited time we were gone on this last trip, it was easier and actually a couple of dollars cheaper to drive to the airport and park.  The moon was rising over the terminal at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport as we were headed back to the car Tuesday evening.  Too special of a sight to not grab a quick photo on my phone.  

I missed many blogs on Monday and Tuesday.  I traveled light on this short trip, no camera other than my phone, no laptop or tablet computer went with me on this most recent trip.  I knew I would not have a lot of time for you all, and a lot of time was spent with family. 

I am not a big fan of the stuffed corpse in a box, but the funeral home did make Ed look good.  It was a challenge, he was in pretty bad shape when he died.  I had written a rather detailed post about his last days, and decided it was too hard of reading for many.  It is for the book. 

My thought for this Thursday ramble.  Enjoy each day.  Take the unexpected curve in the road.  Allow yourself and others time when the unexpected happens, it happens to all of us.  Be kind to yourself. Do good work, help others live a better life.  Follow the adventure, and it is always nice to arrive home again.  


  1. You've certainly been busy with sad family matters. But you are now safely home, in your own comfort zone.

    1. I do like my little nest here.

  2. It's always a difficult time, but your last paragraph sums it all up.

    1. I am glad we were able to be there. Eds path had a major curve in it, I will write about that someday.

  3. Enjoy life, and hold each other close.

  4. The death of a loved one gives pause for thought and to reconsider what life is all about, what's important, how we should use our time. Ed gave you that present.

  5. It's always so nice after a busy trip to walk in the door and celebrate, "I'm home!" Hope you have some time to relax and recharge after your hectic travels.

    1. Almost 4 weeks before the next adventure.

  6. I love that photo! I'm glad you stopped to capture it. Sometimes it's fun to be busy and other times you would rather stay put. Now you can rest up for your next adventure.

  7. Your photo and that last paragraph speak volumes.

  8. And don't pick your nose either.
