Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Sunday Five: Drinks

1: A martini, vodka, or gin? 

2: Shaken or stirred? 

3: Strained or on ice? 

4: Olives? 

5: Ever before 5 PM? 

My answers: 

1: A martini, vodka, or gin? Gin, unless there is another flavor involved then vodka - never water down good Gin. 

2: Shaken or stirred? Shaken.

3: Strained or on ice? Strained or as they describe it here, strait-up.

4: Olives? Yes, please.

5: Ever before 5 PM? I haven't, maybe I should try that. 

In Wales and in Ireland, bartenders had no idea how to make a martini. They kept wanting to water down good Gin with tonic - what a waste. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Gin.
    2. Stirred.
    3. Strained.
    4. A twist of lime.
    5. Maybe just this once.

  2. 1: A martini, vodka, or gin? Very occasionally - gin with tonic, ice and a slice of lemon.
    2: Shaken or stirred? No need for either
    3: Strained or on ice? I don't know what that means.
    4: Olives? Not in drinks. Yuck!
    5: Ever before 5 PM? Yes but rarely.
    P.S. I would rather have a beer any day.

    1. That is a Gin and Tonic,

    2. Oh good heavens! I never knew that. Maybe it is because I am so dumb.

    3. Sorry, I didn't mean that, I actually found that bartenders in Ireland and Wales didn't know what a martini was. They did in France.

  3. 1: A martini, vodka, or gin? Depends on the type of martini. I like specialties.
    2: Shaken or stirred? Stirred
    3: Strained or on ice? Strained
    4: Olives? Depends.
    5: Ever before 5 PM? It’s always after 5 somewhere.

  4. 1. I have had one martini in my life. It was gin.
    2. I was high. I have no idea.
    3. I didn't know martinis came 'on ice'
    4. Olives are horrible.
    5. Only Larry Tate and Darren Stevens drink martinis before five.

    1. Only once, you have led a sheltered life.

  5. 1: A martini, vodka, or gin? I enjoy Ketel One vodka or a gin called Monkey 47.
    2: Shaken or stirred? I like shaken.
    3: Strained or on ice? Definitely straight up.
    4: Olives? I like an olive and at times I like a lemon twist.
    5: Ever before 5 PM? I think I have, yes.

  6. I have never had a martini in my life.
    Actually, since the 1990s, I do not drink any alcohol at all. Now about the only thing I drink is water or seltzer water. Pretty boring but that is what I like.

    1. Stay healthy, I drink a lot of water these days.

  7. 1: A martini, vodka, or gin? I don't drink martinis very often, but when I do, it's gin.
    2: Shaken or stirred? Shaken.
    3: Strained or on ice? Strained.
    4: Olives? Oh, yes please!
    5: Ever before 5 PM? No, I'd most likely be asleep by 6!

    1. The older we get, the earlier these things lead to sleep

  8. 1. A martini? Honey, no! Nasty critters. When I used to drink, it was sweet mixed drinks mostly rum based. The kind with umbrellas that would make a girl (okay semi-elderly) woman ask a very distinguished waiter-like person if I, I mean she could touch his beard. He let me, I mean her, do it. Husband and kids giggled.
    2. NA
    3. NA
    4. Olives? NO! My sister was drinking something at our niece's wedding that looked totally disgusting so I naturally had to ask what it was. She answered a dirty martini and made me take a sip. I swallowed because I didn't want to cause a scene by spitting it out all over her. Choking was bad enough. She might as well had put a straw in a jar of olives and drank from there.
    5. When I used to drink, a mimosa at brunch was always kind of nice.

    1. We had dinner with a friend in Chicago recently, his martini was not dirty enough, he asked for extra liquid from the olive jar. To each their own. It must have been a nice beard.

  9. 1: A martini, vodka, or gin? I rarely drink a martini and when I do it's usually vodka
    2: Shaken or stirred? shaken
    3: Strained or on ice? strained
    4: Olives? Yes please, the more the better
    5: Ever before 5 PM? No

    1. Olives, we all need a little fruit in out diet.

    2. Sharon, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere! 😄

  10. 1. Vodka (my wife is allergic to gin).
    2. Either way
    3. Strained
    4. Yes, three please.
    5. Since retirement, yes.

    1. I need to learn to order a drink when we go out to lunch.

  11. 1: A martini, vodka, or gin? Vodka.
    2: Shaken or stirred? Oh, I'm North Idaho gal. I'm well verse in shaken or stirred.
    3: Strained or on ice? Depends.

    4: Olives? Oh I'm an olive fan.

    5: Ever before 5 PM? I'll be honest. Yes.

    1. No shortage of ice there in the winter

  12. 1: Gin. Only gin. Good gin no rubbish. No vodka; do not dare to question this.
    2: Shaken or stirred? Stirred, never shaken; again do not dare to question this.
    3: Strained
    4: Olives? I know Auntie Mame says olives take up too much room in such as small glass, the answer is a big glass and 2-3 olives.
    5: Ever before 5 PM? Grandfather had his at eight bells, which is 4PM.

    1. And I keep a glass or two in the freezer
