Friday, August 23, 2024

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Travel Experience: #20 Take a Map With You

Before heading out to a new city, state, or country, find a good map, spend time becoming familiar with it, and take the map with you. I have a box of maps for places we have visited.  

I always try to locate the hotel, and major transit options on the map before I leave home.  If the city has public transit, I familiarize myself with the nearest stations and major routes. 

I prefer a map that fits in my pocket.  I love the Popout Maps, at one time these maps were everywhere, the publisher has changed and the the maps are now published for a smaller number of locations.  The maps fold to fit in a pocket and open inside to show a lot of detail.  Second is the plastic coated city or regional maps. The coating not only makes them somewhat water resistant, it also helps with folding. 

For larger areas, especially when you are driving, paper maps are often the best option.  Sometimes I need more than one, a large area map for the big picture, and a more local map for details.   

Most hotels have local area maps, these can be really helpful in finding local attractions and places to eat.  Just ask, they are almost always free.  In Tenerife we stopped by the tourist office, picked up a great local map and some tips on places to see.  


  1. While the phone maps can be terrific for detail, paper maps give you something phone maps can't, some kind of sense of perspective. Maybe it is just my age. Young people seem to manage perfectly well with phone maps.

    1. But do they really know where they have gone?

  2. Paper maps can often be difficult to find nowadays.

    1. Very true, there are fewer and fewer of them.

  3. Back in the day, we went to AAA to get our packet filled with regional maps, the state maps, guide books and the TripTik. The agent used his/her yellow highlighter to mark the route on the maps. Flipping the pages on the TripTigave the sense of knowing how far we'd gone and how much longer to the destination. I love maps!

    1. I grew up with the TripTik in hand, They had helpful local detail.

  4. I love maps, city maps; I am THAT nerd. So I always get maps of cities we visit so i can see where we are, where we're going and anything of interest.
    And I save all my maps.

    I'm Bob, and I'm a Nerd.

  5. Yes, I remember the AAA maps, too. Those were always a part of planning a trip. Now I rely more on my phone for maps but they are never quite the same.

    1. I struggle with walking directions on my phone.

  6. I couldn't agree more. I'm a "map lady" all the way. Someone recently asked me why I don't just used a map app on my phone. It's not the same. I need to see a much bigger picture than the phone can show.
    When I arrived in Rome a little over 10 years ago, I had already studied a map. All I had to do was ask the man at the front desk which direction should turn when I walked out the front door. Once I had the direction sorted, it was easy to find my way with my map.

    1. I am sure I have a map or two of Rome in the box.

  7. I didn't think people used paper maps.

  8. Maps are a good thing to have, even if you never go anywhere.

  9. When I was a boy I was Map Master. I told the driver how many miles to so-and-so or when to take the next exit. Alas! no more. I miss my job.
