Sunday, September 01, 2024

Sunday Five: Music

1: Do you play any musical instrument? 

2: Do drop money in the box of street musicians? 

3: Did you ever try to learn to play music? 

4: Is there music playing in the background as you read this? 

5: How would you describe your musical taste? 

My answers: 

1: Do you play any musical instrument?  Sadly no. 

2: Do drop money in the box of street musicians? If I like what they are playing, the cellist was amazing. 

3: Did you ever try to learn to play music? In middle school I struggled in the school band for a couple of years. 

4: Is there music playing in the background as you read this? Yes, 

5: How would you describe your musical taste?  Eclectic, anything from classical, to smooth jazz, to folk, some classic rock, and little country (but not much.) 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. Do you play any musical instrument? Not one I'm saying here!!!! And I'm classically trained in it too!

    Do drop money in the box of street musicians? Always.
    Did you ever try to learn to play music? No
    Is there music playing in the background as you read this? No, Brit coms.
    How would you describe your musical taste? Extremely eclectic.

  2. 1: Do you play any musical instrument? Learned violin, clarinet, and guitar as a kid. Nothing now.
    2: Do drop money in the box of street musicians? Always.
    3: Did you ever try to learn to play music? Yes
    4: Is there music playing in the background as you read this? No
    5: How would you describe your musical taste? Eclectic

    1. I always wondered what it would be like to play the violin.

  3. That is an amazing looking electronic cello!

    1. Yes, they are fun, maybe I should buy one.

  4. 1. Trumpet. Some piano. Some guitar.
    2. Sometimes.
    3. Yes.
    4. None.
    5. all over the place - except for speed metal. : )

    1. Based on your Monday posts, you even know what you are listening to most of the time.


  5. 1: Do you play any musical instrument? I play a mean radio.
    2: Do drop money in the box of street musicians? Most times, yes.
    3: Did you ever try to learn to play music? I did not and I don't know why.
    4: Is there music playing in the background as you read this? Yes, Carlos has classical music on in the kitchen while he makes breakfast.
    5: How would you describe your musical taste? Very eclectic, though rap and heavy metal aren't on the list.

    1. What would you do it Carlos took up Rap?

    2. Probably laugh because it would sung with a Spanish accent!

  6. 1. I used to be able to play a piano, not very well.
    2. Very occasionally I will drop money in the collection hat.
    3. Yes, the piano.
    4. No. Generally I don't like music in the background and never at home.
    5. Eclectic and could be from 100 years ago.

  7. 1. I moved from radio to cds. I stopped there.
    2. Yes
    3. I played piano by ear. You can get a concussion that way! I don't have the attention span to learn.
    4. I play music in my head most days. Three Dog Night is romping in there right now.
    5. I'm a music nibbler. A little bit of everything except rap opera and classical. I like voices and words I can understand. Loathe auto tuning. Ella Fitzgerald rules! Dean Martin. Waylon Jennings. Dolly Parton. Eclectic, I guess.

    1. Frank Sinatra, My Way!

    2. I prefer Tony Bennett and Johnny Mathis. To each their own.

  8. 1: Do you play any musical instrument? When I was in school I played the clarinet...badly.
    2: Do drop money in the box of street musicians? sometimes
    3: Did you ever try to learn to play music? Yes, the piano
    4: Is there music playing in the background as you read this? No, not this morning
    5: How would you describe your musical taste? I like most music.

    1. I remember a piano making it as close as the front door, and it never came in the house.

  9. 1. I can play the piano but I don't do it often.
    2. maybe
    3. yes, the piano.
    4. no
    5. current and oldies music. I always have the radio on in the car.

    1. I wouldn't know most current musicians, if they sat down next to me.

  10. 1: Do you play any musical instrument? Acoustic guitar
    2: Do drop money in the box of street musicians? Rarely
    3: Did you ever try to learn to play music? I tried and to an extent I succeeded.
    4: Is there music playing in the background as you read this? No. Just the washing machine churning. I guess that could be music.
    5: How would you describe your musical taste? Exquisite and refined.

    1. I am trying to think of a sarcastic comment about the washing machine sound and music, it is better than Rap

  11. I haven't played the piano in years after a lifetime of lessons. It seems sad but I admit it is not something I desire to do other than to feel guilty for not playing.

    1. You might be surprised at how much you remember.
