Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Sunday Five: Gone to the Dogs

1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? 

2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? 

3: Is a dog a member of your household? 

4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? 

5: Should he get a third dog? 

My Answers: 

1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? No, I sit quietly and wait for them to approach quietly. 

2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No

3: Is a dog a member of your household? No

4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? My father had a hunting dog, an outdoor only dog. 

5: Should he get a third dog? Where would he put the third lead? 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? Yes, but one must be able to read them first, and use caution and patience, on their terms.

    Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No.
    Is a dog a member of your household? Yes, a dog makes a home.
    Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? Yes, Always one.
    Should he get a third dog? It's up to him, but he can always get one of those split leads to walk them all on.

  2. 1. I trust most dogs. It's unfamiliar owners I have a problem with.
    2. Never been bitten by a dog. A rabbit got me once, though.
    3. We have two. A Maltese and a Bichon poo.
    4. Growing up we always had dogs and cats. There was also an occasional bunny or two. Also, a drunken pheasant. Long story.
    5. He should get as many as he can take care of. He should also try finding some shorts that fit as he may want to have children someday, or pee even.
