Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws September 11th

Where have I been?  Manassas for a flightseeing ride, DC for lunch with a friend and a nice walk in a museum, the farmers market, a walk in north Old Town, back into DC for a meeting and the gym.  

Who have I seen?  Anna and Susan joined us at the Grill for dinner on Friday. I cooked on Saturday and they came over for a late lunch; Erica and a Judge from South Korea.   

Who have I heard from this week?  Spo, Sassybear, Mitchell, Paula, Diane, my sister, and Jim.  A surprisingly social week for me. 

Where to next? I am speaking at a conference in Richmond later this week.  90 minutes on one of my favorite topics. 

Where was I 23 years ago today? Presenting on elder abuse at a conference for grandparents raising grandchildren. 

What about work?  I finished up a draft report on a large consulting project, finished and was paid for an editing project. 

Who deserves a big THANK YOU this week?  I stopped at Balducci's on Saturday morning, the cashier was so kind and well spoken.  She added to the premium experience.

What is the weather like?  Autumnal, cooler nights, milder afternoons, lower humidity.  

What am I working on for the blog? A new series for after New Years, 50 States in 50 Weeks. I am finished with the states that start with an A. 

What made me go Huh this week?  A very careless driver in a grey Mitsubishi. He was a danger to himself and others. 

My wish for the week? Good health and comfort for all. 




  1. "I am speaking at a conference in Richmond later this week. 90 minutes on one of my favorite topics." The mind boggles. I am guessing home cooking or holidaying.

  2. Good wishes back too you. And to think you worried what you'd do with your retirement time.

    1. How did I ever find time to work?

  3. Wow! Posts for your 2025 blog. Your organization is amazing and inspiring.

    1. Theme posts are easy to organize.

  4. I have posts about two weeks out coming up, but months out? Next year???

    I wish you and yours the same comfort and good health!

    1. Most of my planned posts are within a couple of weeks, and they get moved about.

  5. "50 States in 50 Weeks" is such a great idea for a series! Now I'm thinking of perhaps doing the Canadian equivalent "10 Provinces in 10 Weeks." Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. How many of us can name all ten?

  6. Have you visited all 50 states? I look forward to all of your posts! Keep enjoying life!

    1. I checked the last couple off the list a year or so ago.

  7. Your 50 states project sounds wonderful. I'll look forward to that.
    23 years ago I woke up in San Francisco to learn that the world had forever changed.

    1. Deep challenges, and not enough understanding that our actions create our enemies.

  8. The URL for Balduccis looks correct but a message comes up that it is blocked by its security service. That's a new one to me, and Error 16.

  9. I'm interested to see what Arizona will provide to your project.
