Sunday, September 08, 2024

The Sunday Five: Puzzles and Games

 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? 

2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? 

3: Do you do word search puzzles? 

4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz?

5: What other puzzles to you do? 

My Answers:

 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? Seldom, spelling is a challenge for my brain. 

2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? Probably 5 or 6 times a week. 

3: Do you do word search puzzles? No, my mother loved them.

4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? Yes, 

5: What other puzzles to you do? Really not much. 

Oh, the image above, the a massive word search in the lobby of the Cleveland Clinic. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? Daily
    2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? Daily
    3: Do you do word search puzzles? Rarely
    4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? I haven’t. I’m ashamed I didn’t even know about it.
    5: What other puzzles to you do? I do the entire assortment of daily NY Times puzzles, including the three Sudoku.

    1. Lots of things to keep our minds limber.

  2. I have never gotten into word puzzles. Maybe occasionally Ill do a word search or two if the whim strikes. I was always more into board games...or card games like uno or skipbo. Trivia Pursuit was huge in our home for a while.

  3. 1. I have done many crosswords but not of late.
    2. No. Someone would have to explain it to me, and it would probably not sink in, like the rules of golf.
    3. When I was much younger but not for decades now.
    4. Yes and I surprise myself how well I do at times and how badly I do at times.
    5. Maybe two decades ago I had Tetris on my phone and I used to play that a lot but nothing now.

    1. I will let someone else try to explain Wordle

  4. 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? Yes but not cryptic ones.
    2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? Yes I do. Been doing it since the start.
    3: Do you do word search puzzles? No. Boring.
    4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? No I do not because I AM Yorkshire Pudding! (You have reminded me to set another quiz!)
    5: What other puzzles do you do? I do jigsaw puzzles with my 3.5 year old granddaughter.

    1. I figured you would be the puzzle master.

  5. 1. I do the NYT mini. My husband gets the daily NYT crossword (we share an account).
    2. Yes. 479 day streak as of yesterday.
    3. Yes. NYT Strands and Spelling Bee. And Letter Box.
    4. I don't even know what that is.
    5. I also do NYT Connections and the daily JetPunk quiz.

    1. The blogger who commented just above you, posts a trivia quiz one a week or so.

  6. 1: Do you do crossword puzzles? It's been awhile.
    2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? I do not.
    3: Do you do word search puzzles? I do not.
    4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? Now this I do.
    5: What other puzzles to you do? It's a puzzlement but I don't do puzzles.

    1. I rarely score well on YP quiz

  7. 1. Crossword puzzles? Yes
    2. Daily Wordle? Used to.
    3. Word search? When I was young.
    4. Yorkshire Pudding pub quiz? No and I must find out what this is!
    5. That's it. Crosswords are my "go to" puzzles.

    1. Neils's blog os linked on the right

  8. 1. Yes
    2. no
    3. no
    4. yes. but I'm not very good at it. ;)
    5. I like Sudoku and Jumble too.

    1. I barely get a passing score on YPs quizzes

  9. 1. I grew up doing crossword puzzles. I don't do them anymore. They bore me.
    2. Don't know what that is. Wordle sounds like a cartoon caterpillar.
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Jigsaw, logic (I know, right?) various word games and most of Maddie's board games. Trivia Pursuit was my jam, but no one will play with me anymore. Can I help it if I have a trivia mind?

    1. I was on a board that played "Cards Against Humanity" you would enjoy it and be good at it.

    2. I had to look that one up. I think I would love it! I enjoy playing Apples to Apples, Balderdash and Mad Libs so this would be right up my alley, if I had an alley that is.

  10. 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? Yes
    2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? Yes, every day
    3: Do you do word search puzzles? Yes
    4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? No
    5: What other puzzles to you do? News quiz

  11. 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? yes, particularly on airplanes going to my destination.
    2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? I do! I am in two groups who daily report their outcomes. Are you in a group? Would you like to join one?

    3: Do you do word search puzzles? I used to; I think now they are too simple

    4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? No - never heard of such. Hey! I learned something !

    5: What other puzzles to you do? I subscribe to GAMES magazine; I do many types. My favorite: cryptic crosswords!

    1. I keep my Wordle activity quiet.

  12. 1: Do you do cross word puzzles? Yes, it been a while. Every so often I think of getting one.
    2: Do you do the Daily Wordle? Yes. But sometime I forget.
    3: Do you do word search puzzles? I have. My mother loved them.

    4: Do you do Yorkshire Pudding weekly pub quiz? Never heard of it. I'll google it.

    5: What other puzzles to you do? Once in while I will help out on jig saw puzzle.

    1. There is a link to Yorkshire Pudding on the side bar.
