Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws September 25, 2024

Where have I been this week? Ashley, Michigan - my mother finished high school there, Holland Michigan, to attend the wedding of a dear friend, daughter of dear friends that we met through blogging, then Ft Wayne Indiana, to visit my sister and her brood.  The Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum to see lots and lots of cars. 

What have I seen this week?  Miles and Miles and Miles of corn and bean fields.  The agricultural heartland, that stretches from here 1,000 miles west to the Rocky Mountains.  

What Amazing thing happened this week?  I wore a bow tie, only the second time in my adult life.  The wedding was modern black tie.  We had dinner with the bride to be a few weeks ago, and plotted to wear rainbow bow ties, and make sure we were introduced to the soon to be mother in law - a very outspoken conservative. 

Who have I seen? SBs brother, his nieces and their husbands, lot of people at the wedding, my sister, my oldest nephew and his wife, and met Owen, their five month old. A new branch on a shrinking family tree.

What made me go Umph this week? Climbing back up the dunes from the shore of Lake Michigan.  One giant step for any man. 

What change did I make in blogger this week?  I removed a daily read from my list, after the blog was inherently racist a couple of days in a row. If you are missing from my daily reads and wish to be added, please message me, I may be missing a few people.  

Where to next? Dayton Ohio for the Air Force Museum, then onto home, for a few days. 

What made me smile this week? I slept 10 hours Monday night. 

When is the next adventure? NYC, soon, for a couple of days. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the bow tie. It sounds like it was a nice time. Those classy vintage cars are so you. Owen’s adorable. Good on you for the rainbows in mother-in-law’s vicinity, and for dropping that racist blog!
