Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Ramble: US Politics


I shared the meme below on Facebook after the latest high school shooting, there have been so many I have a hard time keeping track of them, and Congress does nothing.  A high school classmate of mine shared it on her Facebook feed, and I was appalled at some of the comments she received.  She is a gun owner, a retired federal corrections officer (prison guard.) 

"Some of the weapons involved are legally bought yes, a far number of these weapons are black market buys purchased from straw buyers in different states selling them in states with stricter gun laws or the weapons are stolen during break ins because the owner doesn’t secure them properly."

Show me the proof.  I don't recall a single mass shooting with an illegally purchased weapon. For the most recent murder spree, Daddy give the assault rifle to his 14 year old son as a Christmas gift.  The gift that keeps on killing.  Both have been charged with homicide. 

Another comment that has since been removed either by the person who posted it, or by Facebook, talked about needing assault weapons so she could fire off half a dozen rounds through a wall, real fast to scare away the baddies. And how much more effective an AR15 was at doing so. 

I have a policy of not engaging trolls and crazies, especially those with weapons, so I didn't respond to that comment.  I really wanted to ask how terrible of a neighborhood do you live in and WHY ARE YOU NOT DOING SOMETHING TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF OTHERS, so they don't threaten your safety.  The reality is she has probably never been threatened in her home, unless she regularly does business with drug dealers and other criminals.  

During the Presidential debate, HeWhoShallNotBeNamed repeated a news story about cats and dogs disappearing and being eaten in a midwestern town, saying "see what is happening to our towers (I think he meant towns) when we let those people in. 

Two points: 

  •  If he had fact checked the story, others had fact checked long before he repeated it, officials have investigated the report and can find NO EVIDENCE that the lost or stolen pets are being eaten. Yes pets are missing, the pets may have been stolen, or they may have gotten lost. But there is no proof that the pets are being eaten. 
  • Eating cats or dogs, is a not so thinly veiled racist dog whistle. He was trying to be racist, without saying he is racist. He couldn't be more racist if he wore a white sheet and hood. 
Oh, and he should remember that he is married to an immigrant, and based on that marriage her parents were allowed to immigrate.  

And his running mate should remember that he is married to the daughter of immigrants, and his children are mixed race, before he questions the race of our next President.  

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, has announced that he will be voting for Kamala Harris. Dick is about as war mongering of a Republican as you can be.  But then he did have a change of heart a few years ago (he had a heart transplant.) Sorry, someone had to make that joke. 



  1. I hope this is in your English, but it seems you've 'got your dander up today'. I like a bit of passion. I suppose you checked the Twitter link to a meme in Steve's post about #45. The comment something like 'This is cat. I am ok and safe but what about the school kids'.

    1. Yes, the English works, I had another post written and ready, it was moved to a later date.

  2. Cats and dogs go missing in all communities - not just Springfield, Ohio. Nearly all the Haitians in Springfield are there legally having been given sanctuary -following political meltdown in that troubled country. It's interesting that myths without substance can soon take a hold without facts to support them. If Trump told MAGA supporters that aliens had arrived from the farthest corner of the universe and had taken over the bodies of leading Democrats, they would most likely believe him.

    1. And the west propped up dictators for decades in Haiti leading to the disaster that is there today.

  3. Stealing the meme, thank you.
    I don't like guns; don't own a gun; don't think I'd ever own a gun. BUT ... if you want a gun go ahead, it doesn't bother me, but owning guns that fire multiple rounds in an instant is a weapon of mass destruction and murder ONLY.
    And giving a gun, an assault style weapon to a CHILD is the definition of bad parenting. I'm glad they arrested the father.
    Lastly, neither DonOLD or Sofa Loren think their immigrant family members are the problem ... it's those "other" immigrants.
    Oh, and I almost forgot ... love the Cheney joke!

    1. I own guns (often wish I didn't anymore.) But I have no desire to own a weapon of war. An AK is one tiny modification and one parts change away from being a machine gun. I am told you can order a conversion kit with the needed tool and replacement part online.

  4. Yes, I've seen that meme on the internet and it goes right to the heart of the matter, doesn't it.

  5. As Kamala said, we're tired of the same old hate and lies. I hope America is ready to vote Blue and make some changes - not just for Harris/Walz but Senate and House too.

    1. Yes, the House and Senate can block progress, like killing the only real immigration reform since Reagan.

  6. "Show me the proof", I shouted that at the TV during the debate several times. It really is frustrating to hear these people lie, lie, lie. It's especially frustrating to know that the majority of their followers believe every word.

    1. Some of the things they believe are so wacky.

  7. I couldn't agree more with all you said sweet cheeks. And the Dump doesn't give two shits what he says, is true, false, or made up....he knows his base is dumb enough to eat up whatever he puts out there.

    1. He is smart enough to know how to manipulate the gullible.

  8. "Change of heart" - LOL!

  9. The nonsensical "abortion after birth" is murder, just as school shootings are murders. Pro-life is supporting pregnant persons with pre-natal care, and families with nutrition, child care, health care, and education.

    I'm just really Mr. Crankypants on this.

    Will Jay

    1. The child care, and health care is were we really let people down.

  10. I saw that meme and liked it. I try reading people’s comments at times but get so furious I have to stop.
