Wednesday, September 04, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws September 4th 2024

What have I been cooking?  My holiday fruitcakes, pizza, ham and bean soup,  

Who have I heard from?  Paula, Mitchell, Spo, my Sister, John,  the guy restoring the airplane my father owned back in the early 1960s. 

Where have I been?  Around the house, the farmers market, Trader Joe's, the gym, the pool, a walk along the river. 

What have I been listening to?  Classical music, cello, Vivaldi, 

What have I been writing?  I holiday piece on fruitcakes for Senior Lawyers, a piece about end of life for Senior Lawyers, blog posts, editing a final report for a consulting project. 

What adventure is coming up? If all goes well, a ride in a Ford Trimotor. 

What have I been thinking about?  Today and tomorrow. Making plans for the next year. 

What is driving me nuts this week?  Endless asks for campaign contributions from my favorite political candidate.  I have given, and given, and given, and I am not giving any more.  

How am I feeling? Better, still not 100%, but better. 

My Wish for the Week? A few warm days to enjoy the outdoor pool before it closes in the 14th for the season. 


  1. I have a busy work week, so Classical music and some Vivaldi will keep me at peace this week. Vivaldi is one of my favorites.

    1. Let the music inspire your work this week.

  2. I love holiday fruitcakes! A ride in a Ford Trimotor sounds like fun. I hope it happens.

    1. I have a seat on Friday, assuming the weather is as predicted.

  3. Fruitcakes for Senior Lawyers! Are they different than fruitcakes for Junior Lawyers, lol?

  4. I also love Vivaldi; puts me in a quiet place.
    I assuming the Ford Trimotor is some kind of plane, so I hope it happens for you.
    We are cooler down here for the week and into next; cool enough that I may actually make soup this weekend; goddess I love soup!

  5. "Ford Trimotor" What is that? It sounds interesting to me.

    1. Ford built airplanes in the late 20's early 30's (and again in World War II) The tri motor was an early airliner designed by Douglas, who later went onto for McDonald Douglas. The first expedition to the South Pole included a Ford Tri Motor - I read a book last year written by one of the flight crew on that trip. Before the Tri Motor was the Ford Fliver, a tiny single engine. A test pilot who was a personal friend of Henry Ford died on a test flight, and Henry scrapped the project, only one prototype remains.

  6. I'm feeling the same about the campaign contributions. I can't believe how many requests keep coming in the mail and on my phone.

  7. Thanks for explaining what a Ford Trimotor is. Wishing you a safe flight!

  8. The fruitcakes look superb. I guess it helps to bake a fruitcake if you are a fruitcake.

  9. I am mad-jealous about the fruit cake! Good for you !

  10. I might be off the wall. But I like fruit cake.
