Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Mood: Recent Photos and Reflections

When I mentioned to Bob that we were going to the Air Force Museum he said that they might have one of these, and he has always wanted to see one.  He is an aviation geek, he was flying airplanes before he had a drivers license. Only a handful of these were built near the end of World War II, and there are two of them in the museum. I texted him photos of them. 

Another rarity, from the end of World War II. 

When I checked into the hotel in Dayton, there was a gift of chocolates and a card waiting, from a blogger. 

Bears always want to be included in the picnic. 

We had a free day in Ft Wayne Indiana, I planned too many days there, so we went to the Zoo.  It is a surprisingly nice zoo.  A great Africa section.  I saw these two, and emailed the photo to our favorite giraffe lover

Not the best Scotch Eggs, but good.  I sent a photo to John at Going Gently, our dear Scotch Egg aficionado. 

A clean car is a happy car.

Here comes the Groom and Groomsmen 

Lake Michigan in the distance. 

It was a long trip, two weeks, five stops, six hotels.  A diversion.  It was nice to get away.  It is delightful to be home for a few days. 


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