Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Ramble: Don't Take Life Too Seriously

A comment a couple of weeks ago, inspired this post. A simple comment that I am always easy going. And I have to admit, it isn't easy all of the time, there are a few people that try my patience, but in the end I generally remind myself that it isn't worth wasting my energies on.  Nothing tried to eat me today, I didn't have to escape an assassin, it would take weeks for me to starve to death. So if something ugly happens, it happens, move on. 

Years ago there was a Hagar the Horrible cartoon, Hagar was pleading with the skies, "Why Me!" The thunder replied, "Why Not!" The wonders of Google, I found it, and found that a framed copy of it is by the desk of President Biden. 

I try not to take it personally. Sometimes it is me.  I am not perfect. I sometimes say the wrong thing.  Sometimes it is the other person. As Jimmy Buffet said, "We are all flawed individuals, the cosmic bakers took some of us out of the oven too soon." 

If we wait for the world to be perfect, we may have to wait a very long time, and in the mean time great adventures are being missed.  As my grandmother taught me, don't take life to seriously, none of us are going to get out of it alive. 

Keep learning, keep doing, keep exploring, keep being kind to others. 


  1. I agree. I take one day at a time, and what happens, happens. We only have so much control.

  2. You have a good philosophy there David. We need lightness to balance out weighty matters if we are going to stand a chance of sustained happiness. But arguably that's more easily said than enacted.

    1. Most of what people fuss about, doesn't really matter.

  3. Your grandmother was quite correct. The wisdom of the elderly, although as one approaches that with rapidity, I don't feel wise. I've always judged people when I've found them at fault as was it deliberate or was it a flaw in their behaviour for whatever reason. I am quite forgiving of the latter.

    1. I try to forgive the mean and nasty people, otherwise their vile weighs on my mind.

  4. Light-heartedness is its own reward.

    1. As long as it isn't trying to kill me, I will be just fine.

  5. I agree; life, well, this life at least, is too short to be worrying all the time or traying to make everything right.
    Just live.

    1. Most of what we worry about already has happened, or never will happen.

  6. My family has always been worriers. We fret and fret about things that often never happen. I'm trying to relax and do better but old habits...
    But I am kind to others and that is so important these days.

    1. At times I actively manage my worry.

  7. What a great post! Especially that last line! I love it.

  8. That last line is gentle but powerful.

    1. Simple to say, not always simple to do.
