Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Thursday Ramble: Being Thankful 43

Today is Thanksgiving Day, in the United States, our annual holiday to pause and be grateful for all that we have.  An excellent time to pause and reflect on the year, to take stock. 

Today I am Thankful for:

  1. Another great year with my sweet bear,
  2. A year of adventures, 
  3. Checking a couple of items off the bucket list,
  4. Family, 
  5. Friends, 
  6. The blogging community, those who comment, those who post, and those who read and remain under the radar, thank you.
  7. Returning to travel,
  8. Great work colleagues who made the year great and easy, 
  9. The opportunities that my work has offered,
  10. Reasonably good health, 
  11. My community, we are getting to know more neighbors and realizing what a neat place we live,
  12. Financial security, 
  13. The local farmers market, there are reasons that market has been in continuous operation for 270 years in a country that is less than 250 years old,
  14. Living in a country where I can comment on how dysfunctional congress is, without fear,
  15. For the education I have, 
  16. For the record number of books I have read this year, and all of the authors who labored away to write them,
  17. For the opportunity to write, to share my thoughts and ideas
  18. For sunny summer days, 
  19. For living in a place that has reliable safe drinking water, and modern sanitation, 
  20. For long walks, with a camera at hand, 
  21. For our fluffy and feathered friends. 


  1. That's a great list, I would agree with most of them although being 'retired' there are a few that now pass me by.

    1. I am looking for ward to exploring the joys of being retired.

  2. Yes, we have much to be thankful for. As long as I have my family friends and health alone....I'm thankful for just that.

    Wishing you two a Happy Thanksgiving dear before I sign off for the day.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, have fun with the family today.

  3. Nice. If it is it appropriate to wish you Happy Thanksgiving, I do.

  4. The best part is another great year with your sweet bear.

  5. Great list of thanks!
    Happy 🍗🍗🍗 Day!

  6. Great list! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Your attitude of gratitude shines in this list. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, enjoy your celebrations with family.

  8. There is a lot to be thankful for even when it seems like the world is upside down. Have a great day!

    1. I will do my part to make the world a nice place for all.

  9. As Davids Sedaris says: "well if you value food and family over things of real value...."

  10. Nice list!

