Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Sunday. Five: Autumn Edition 54

The year has slipped past in a hurry, it seems like just yesterday we were wondering if it would snow again, and now we are wondering the same thing again.  

1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? 

2: Did you make it to the beach this year? 

3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year?

4: Have you taken enough long walks? 

5: Are you making plans for 2024? 

My answers: 

1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping?  Yes, a few online orders to place for out of town delivery. 

2: Did you make it to the beach this year?  In April, in a 40 mile per hour wind, in Iceland. 

3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? Probably 30 times. 

4: Have you taken enough long walks? Many, but not enough. 

5: Are you making plans for 2024? Three trips are planned, plus other new adventures. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. No Christmas shopping yet, aside from greeting cards and the Christmas cake ingredients.
    2. I was probably at the beach once a week over the year.
    3. A farmers market once or twice.
    4. Sadly no.
    5. No plans after the end of December.

    1. the older I get the less shopping I do

  2. 1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping?
    Of course not because it is not the end of the year yet! (Was this a trick question?)
    2: Did you make it to the beach this year?
    Yes but only to Sicily and Flamborough Head.
    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year?
    No. Not this year.
    4: Have you taken enough long walks?
    More than most people but I would have liked to walk even more miles.
    5: Are you making plans for 2024?
    Vague plan to go to The Mediterranean in late spring for a family holiday - staying in a large villa.

  3. Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? No. But I only have about three gifts to get. Some gifts were purchased on trip the trips this year in Budapest and Portofino.

    Did you make it to the beach this year? Yes. I did Ptown and Slaughter Beach.

    Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? Every week.

    Have you taken enough long walks? Every day!

    Are you making plans for 2024? Yes. I hope this is the year we get to Nairobi.

    1. You have had an active year, in more ways than one.

  4. 1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? A few trinkets here and there for friends and family. Carlos and I are giving each other the gift of a kitchen after the first of the year.

    2: Did you make it to the beach this year? A couple of treks to Folly Beach.

    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? Very often; in fact this Saturday is our last one for the season.

    4: Have you taken enough long walks? Almost daily.

    5: Are you making plans for 2024? Just the remodel, for now. Focus on one thing.

    1. Get the kitchen of your dreams.

    2. The kitchen now is the kitchen of my dreams but it's nearly 50+ years old. We'll keep everything where it is, though move the dishwasher to the other side of the sink to access cabinetry it now blocks. But the=re will be new cabinets and sink and counters and floors and lightibg.
      Fingers are crossed.

  5. 1. I have not even started thinking about gifts. I probably should.
    2. We were at the beach for 7 days this year. Loved it.
    3. Once. I bought nothing.
    4. Outside of running, we take the dog on big hikes every Saturday and Sunday. Plus 2-3 bathroom walks daily.
    5. Kind of. Maine and Europe as possibilities

    1. I need to spend more than 20 minutes in Maine.

  6. 1. My holiday shopping is about half done.
    2. I'm not a beach kind of gal. Oddly though, people call me a beach all the time.
    3. I feasted on saskatoon berries and rhubarb this summer thanks to my local farmer's market.
    4. Long continuous walks and hiking are not possible for me anymore due to mobility issues. But I try to get in as much interval walking as I can while doing my daily routines.
    5. Yes, I have some vague plans for 2024. Basically just "more of the same."

    1. I was at the market yesterday morning, thinking about 6 months until the rhubarb comes back in season.

  7. 1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? A little bit
    2: Did you make it to the beach this year? Does a beach on a lake count?
    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? Yes and I also worked at one.
    4: Have you taken enough long walks? I think so. I try to walk at least 2 miles a day and I do get to the MetroPark trails to get some longer walks in.
    5: Are you making plans for 2024? Sorta kinda. We have a fairly large renovation coming up next year plus a new grandbaby on the way. Time will tell!

    1. 2 miles a day, is a long walk for most people. And yes, a lake or river counts.

  8. 1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? Yes, some online and I brought a few things back from London.
    2: Did you make it to the beach this year? Yes, I made to the beach in California.
    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? A Farmer's Market but not as often as I should have.
    4: Have you taken enough long walks? I have now. The London trip was one big long walk. I just need to keep it up now that I'm home.
    5: Are you making plans for 2024? The only plan so far is to make a trip to Monument Valley.

    1. It is walking season in the dessert.

  9. Fun questions these!

    1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? no, I like to do so starting Thanksgiving weekend. Meanwhile I collect thoughts.

    2: Did you make it to the beach this year? no beaches in arizona.

    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? none of those either worse luck

    4: Have you taken enough long walks? I walked 6.2 miles only this morning.

    5: Are you making plans for 2024? There are some trips people are tempting me to do.

    1. We will keep tempting you until you agree

  10. 1: Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? Just start. Got my granddaughter clothing who lives in Southern Oregon.

    2: Did you make it to the beach this year? Yes, had birthday party for one my granddaughter at the lake. I'm sure that counts.

    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? No.

    4: Have you taken enough long walks? Not really.

    5: Are you making plans for 2024? A little.


  11. Have you started your end of the year holiday shopping? Nope. I do t do much.
    2: Did you make it to the beach this year? Almost every day. As you know, that’s easy here.
    3: Did you visit a farm or a farmers market this year? Public markets but not farm or farm markets.
    4: Have you taken enough long walks? Never enough
    5: Are you making plans for 2024? I have things planned but I don’t connect them with a new year.
