Monday, November 20, 2023

Moody Monday: Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys 46

 There is a Polish Proverb, 
Not My Circus,
Not My Monkeys

My regular readers know that I am 46 days away from handing the responsibility at work over to the next generation. More and more each day, I am thinking, and saying, I don't know, it is your opportunity in January, do what you want to do, edit the webpage your way, plan the training, the article, apply for the funding, do it your way. In my brain I am thinking, not my circus, not my monkeys.    

I have long taken on the weight of the world when it comes to the office.  I can remember sending a memo to a boss one time that read, "I am angry, and that is a good thing, because it means I still care." It is important to believe in the work you are doing. I remember leaving the first real job I had.  I had been there 7-years, and the last year the company was sold, changes were made, I was floundering, and when the boss asked why I was leaving and "I lost the faith" came tumbling out of my brain.  And it was true, I didn't care anymore.  It was time to move on.  On this job, I still care deeply, it is time to leave while I feel that way. 

I sincerely hope that the person who replaces me, makes changes.  I am going to encourage her to speak up about my mistakes, and change things.  I have made changes, while saying "just because we always did it that way, does not mean we need to continue doing it that way." I think some of the changes I have made leave things better, but I have not met all of the challenges and likely additional changes need to be made to get there. I need to learn to relax, to chill, to let other take the lead, shoulder the responsibility.

I am looking for some volunteer opportunities, as my boss described it to a directors meeting, "what David means, is if he commits to doing something, he will stick with it and get it done." 


  1. This is a point, "just because we always did it that way, does not mean we need to continue doing it that way.". However, I also like the sentence 'before you change something, firstly look at why it is the way it is'.

    1. We need to be unafraid of change.

  2. A different kind of life is so near. I hope you’re winding down now and sleeping better.

    1. Following in the footsteps of others who have done this.

  3. I'm like you to a point and take a lot of pride and what I do and usually run it like a well-oiled ship. Every job I ever left I always make sure every eye is not in every tea is crossed for the next person. I too look forward to see what you'll do in your next chapter.

    1. I am hoping this week to learn who the next person is.

  4. I love what I do and the people working with me, so that's a bonus and makes it lovely to go to work each day.
    I remember years back pulling up to my job, taking the key from the ignition, and letting loose a huge sigh. I knew it was time and walked into the office and gave my notice. If you aren't enjoying the job you won't be doing it very well, so move on.

    1. It is still fun, but it is time,

  5. It's a wonderful feeling when the problems start becoming other people's responsibility, not yours, isn't it!

    1. Yes, do I really need to have that meeting tomorrow?

  6. It's getting closer and closer each day. I'm sure you are looking forward to life's new challenges and pleasures.

  7. So your first name is David? I never knew that. Mind if I call you that from now on - instead of Mr Penguin? I know what you mean about "losing the faith".
