Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Sunday Five: Christmas is coming soon? 40

 OMG, Christmas will be here before we know it. 

1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? 

2: Have you started decorating? 

3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? 

4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? 

5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? 

My Answers:

1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? Not in a long time, about 200 pounds. 

2: Have you started decorating? Not yet.  

3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? Nope.

4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? Yes, it is a very unproductive time of the year. 

5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? I bought a car once, last year we bought a garage parking space. Cousin Bill gave his second wife a box of cow manure one year, with divorce papers in the attached card. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? Never. Although SG was Santa several times at work for fundraisers and I did sit in his lap, I didn't whisper anything.
    2: Have you started decorating? No. On the fence this year.
    3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? No
    4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? I never thought about it. When I worked for universities we always had that time off.
    5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? Gave a taxidermy Canada goose.

    1. If I had the space for it, the Goose would give me goosebumps.

  2. 1. once in the Nashville airport, I sat next to Santa, but not on his lap. I whispered nothing.
    2. No.
    3. Maybe. It's undecided. It would be between xmas and new years if we did.
    4. I work in healthcare. Should we close for for a week? I bet you'll say 'no'.
    5. I got a face mask (during the pandemic) of my best friends mouth area, so when I put it on, it looked like him.

    1. I was always a little freaked out by the face masks that looked like people.

  3. 1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? Sat on his lap, but never whispered; I probably didn't speak at all because I was a shy kid.

    2: Have you started decorating? We usually do it the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this weekend we pushed Thanksgiving back a day and then had a lot going on so we'll do it NEXT weekend.

    3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? Christmas we usually stay home and keep it a 'Just us' holiday; we like it that way.

    4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? I do have that week off, but that's how my boss rolls.

    5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? As a ten-year-old my Aunt Darleen sent me a toddler's pull toy. I was confused AF, but then she realized she sent my gift to the toddler. I don't think I ever got the gift she meant for me.

    1. And a few decades later, you still remember that unusual gift. She inadvertently gave you the gift of a childhood memory.

  4. 1. Santa's REAL?
    2. I don't decorate a lot, but I put nothing up until Dec 1st. That's when I haul out the Christmas music CDs too.
    3. No. Winter weather is too iffy on the prairies.
    4. Yes, close down that week, nothing gets done then anyway.
    5. I can't think of anything truly strange.

  5. 1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? Nope
    2: Have you started decorating? No
    3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? possibly in between Christmas and New Years. Haven't confirmed anything yet.
    4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? My employer does it, more should.
    5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? I can't think of anything truly strange. I got coffee mugs one year and I don't drink coffee.

    1. I think everyone as received a few of those, how thoughtful, I will never use this gifts.

  6. 1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? If I had a dollar for every time I sat on a strange man's lap and whispered in his ear what I wanted...

    2: Have you started decorating? BWAHAHAHAHAH! Started and finished!

    3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? Only to Hartford, CT, just 2 Hours away.

    4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? YES!!!!!

    5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? My dead beat (now dec'd) father once got me a subscription to "Games Magazine", which was the coolest gift he ever got me...until I got the "hope you enjoyed your 3 free issue sample" notice, asking me to subscribe. Jeffrey once got a pair of socks that said "Pee on me." (That is not a fetish he has, so not sure why he got them.)


    1. You did go to bearfest in P-Town, lots of Santas there.

  7. 1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? yes!

    2: Have you started decorating? Not really. But my Christmas decoration is down.

    3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? Not sure. We will probably go to our youngest son, Bart. In Spokane Washington.

    4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? Yes, or cut hours back.

    5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? Can't come up with anything. But my son, who are hard to buy for. I like to get them something strange.

    Coffee is on

  8. 1: Have you sat on Santa's lap and whispered in his ear your Christmas wishes? I remember this I was quite scared.

    2: Have you started decorating? I changed the outside lights from white to red an green.

    3: Will you be traveling over the holidays? no

    4: Should more employers close the week between Christmas and New Years? I am always for less work and making the twelve days of Christmas happen again.

    5: What is the strangest holiday gift you have given or received? I wish I could remember I and going to wrack my brains what can I remember you would think after 60 Christmases something would stand out.

    1. Changing the lights is a start.

  9. Nope. I can't think of one thing I want anyways.

    2. No, but I've got most of my shopping and wrapping done, and it looks quite festive.

    3. No.

    4. Yes.

    5. A gift bag filled with feminine hygiene things from my husband's nephew.
