Sunday, November 05, 2023

Sunday Five: Libraries and Books 61

 There is no secret that I am a reader, about a book a week on average. The photos are from the Library of Congress, one of the largest collections in the world, and an amazing place.  I have a friend in Oklahoma that converted a barn into her personal library, she has no idea how many thousands of books, she plans to live long enough to read them all, or die trying. 

1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? 

2: When was the last time you were in your local library? 

3: Does your place of employment have a library? 

4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? 

5: How far to your nearest bookstore? 

My answers, 

1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? With limited space, I give most of them away. 

2: When was the last time you were in your local library? Before I moved to DC, 15 years ago.  I need to change this. 

3: Does your place of employment have a library? Yes, smaller than it used to be, they will also order in books that I need if I ask. 

4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? Paper had the advantage of making it easy to look before and after the card, electronic is faster.  

5: How far to your nearest bookstore?  About 1.5 miles, just off King Street in old town Alexandria. 

Please share your answers in the comments.  


  1. 1. Past tense for about print books. We have two large bookshelf units full of books that I want to keep. I doubt I will reread any of them but there is no harm in keeping them. Many have been culled over the years.

    2. It's been a while since I've been in a library, although I am a member of three.

    3. It did. Donate and take.

    4. Electronic.

    5. About 2 kilometres. I love browsing but I never buy. My Kindle is my friend.

    1. I am primarily a Kindle reader, but I buy from my local bookstore to encourage them to stay in business.

  2. 1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? I either pass then along or donate them.
    2: When was the last time you were in your local library? A few years.
    3: Does your place of employment have a library? NA
    4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? Electronic
    5: How far to your nearest bookstore? 4-minute walk, but not a great one.

    1. I wonder if an English language bookstore would prosper in your neighborhood?

    2. I wouldn't think so. Expats are mostly too cheap to pay retail for books. (Did I just say that?!?)

    3. I can see that

  3. 1. If I buy them, they go in MY library. I no longer loan books out. I have never - and I mean NEVER - gotten one returned.
    2. A few months.
    3. I'm sure we have a medical library somewhere.
    4. Electronic seems easier these days.
    5. 5 minute walk for a good one. a 10 minute drive for an incredible one.

    1. I have bought replacements for books I loaned out and never got back.

  4. 1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? I keep them for a while and then either pass them along or donate them.

    2: When was the last time you were in your local library? About a month ago.

    3: Does your place of employment have a library? Well, we're retired so do our bookshelves count as a library?

    4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? Both have their advantages but I do like the paper. Back in my paper writing days (pre-electronic), I found other leads and sources while going through the cards for my topics.

    5: How far to your nearest bookstore? A little over a mile.

    1. There is the advantage of being able to look around in a physical source that is hard or impossible in a virtual world. I liked having a printed version of the the statutes to page through, I knew it was there someplace.

  5. 1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? I keep the ones that I truly love, and then share the others.

    2: When was the last time you were in your local library? Last week, though we went for Carlos who gets books on tape to listen to.

    3: Does your place of employment have a library? It does not. There are books for reference and such, though.

    4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? I think with the vast numbers of books, electronic ,ight be best; I could get lost in a paper catalogue.

    5: How far to your nearest bookstore? About three miles to Books on Broad, our local bookseller.

    1. I like audio books, I should go back to that.

  6. 1. I donate my books to charity book sales. Of course, now I can only read e-books so those just stay on my Kindle forever.
    2. I was at a local library about a year ago. To see a small art show that was held there. I don't take books out of libraries anymore, although I do have a library card.
    3. When I was working, yes, my place of employment maintained a small library of about 3 legal report series and reference books needed for specific projects. I always thought it was a big waste of money to pay for those report series, because one floor below us was the best law library in the province. Eventually my employer clued in and stopped shelling out good money to duplicate those resources.
    4. For research, I found it easier to use a paper card catalogue although they have been pretty much universally discontinued in libraries many years ago now. Electronic records are faster and can be searched from anywhere on a computer. But they lack the old index cards' charm.
    5. The closest bookstore to me is about 3 blocks away. It's one of Edmonton's last independent bookstores left, maybe even the last one, now that I think of it. All the others are big chains and even they are being driven out of business by Amazon.

    1. Support your local bookseller, and pub.

  7. 1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? I mostly give them away.
    2: When was the last time you were in your local library? Wow, probably before the pandemic.
    3: Does your place of employment have a library? No
    4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? I used to love flipping through the card catalog but I agree, electronic is faster.
    5: How far to your nearest bookstore? About 3 miles.

    1. My office seems to be continually downsizing the in office library, strangely.

  8. 1: What do you do with print books when you finish reading them? There a few I keep. But my first choice I take them to my book club review. Than I take to the thrift store.

    2: When was the last time you were in your local library? Don't recall the date, but the end of October or first few days in November. I'm going in Monday to take a book back.

    3: Does your place of employment have a library? Never heard of this. Doing home care in people home. They had books. But what notice most of them never read.

    4: Would you prefer a paper or electronic card catalog? Does matter.

    5: How far to your nearest bookstore? 7 miles. We have an excellent book store in our town. That where I get granddaughters books for Christmas.
