Wednesday, November 29, 2023

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws November 29th edition 37

Who have I met this week?  Inga and Karl YouTubers from Iceland.  I started watching their channel a few months ago, and on a recent vlog they mentioned that they were going to be in the DC area over Thanksgiving.  I reached out and asked if I could buy them a beer, they said yes.  There are IT professionals, world travelers, fun adventurer's.  Give their channel a try

Why? I enjoy meeting people. Let me know when you are going to be in the Washington DC area, we will try to meet up.  I love going out to breakfast.  When I travel, if I know there is a blogger nearby, I try to meet them. 

What else have I been up to? I took 6 days off for the Thanksgiving holiday. I have cooked, baked, eaten sensibly.  I ordered new sunglasses, TV glasses and my first pair of computer glasses.  I cleaned out a couple of drawers at home.  Took a few long walks.  

What have I been watching?  A lot of YouTube, there are some amazing content producers out there.  

Will I start a YouTube channel?  I have thought about it, but video editing is painful, if you are going to do it well.  And I look fat and sound funny (and it is not the camera.) 

What surprised me this week? That people still go shopping the day after Thanksgiving.  

Where have I been?  Dyke Marsh a couple of times, the Holiday Market at Gallery Place,  the optical shop on King Street, Mt. Vernon, and back to the office for a couple of days. 

What have I sorted through? A stack of books. One needs to go to a friend, two (unread) are going into the community library, they are work and I am about done reading for work. 

What am I reading?  Diddly Squat Farm, Pigs Might Fly, Jeremy Clarkson's latest book. I know he is a pig, but his writing is funny. 

What proof is there that I am old?  I purchased my senior public transit card, half price fares on the subway trains and one-dollar bus rides.  



  1. We all need some piggy reading at times! Very cool you met even more of your online friends.

    1. The book I read before this one might have been cribbed from your diary,

  2. How cool to have connected with YouTubers from Iceland.

    1. Sometimes I am brave and reach out to people.

  3. Inga and Karl look like nice people!

  4. I have never set foot in a store, any kind of store, on Black Friday.
    All that pushing and shoving? I'm afraid I might hurt someone.

    1. I will avoid malls until after New Years

  5. I got my senior pass to national parks years ago and I'm glad I did. I'm not sure they give those away any longer.

    1. We have one, I think it is now $50 or $75, and is good for a lifetime.
