Saturday, November 04, 2023

The Saturday Morning Post: Take a Walk 62

No headphones, or earbuds, no phone in my hand, no screen on the treadmill, I like taking a walk.  Just a wander.  Starting to move, with a vague idea of where the road goes, but no plan for where I am going or why. Out and back, the view is not the same traversing the same path in a different direction, or a loop, four right turns will close the circle back to where I started.  

I can recall walking on the farm as a teenager, there was no place to go, but around the big field to see what was there, to move in the open air, to blend into the weeds.  I would walk along the trees that lined the road, then along the edge of the big wood, around the edge of the swamp, across the back of the pond, then along the edge of the wood, until I came the creek.  Walking along the creek, watching for fish, would take me back to the road on the other side of the farm, west of my grandparents house. If it was late fall, or early spring, I would check the old farmhouse, barn, and warehouse to see that nothing had been disturbed, then back across the field behind the barn to the house.  A nice hour without leaving the property.  An hour without seeing or hearing another person. 

A comfortable pair of shoes is all I need, and that all I wear these days. 
I find I get to know where I am better, when I take a nice walk.    


  1. For me, too, nothing beats a nice, long walk.

    1. Sometime today I will take a walk,

  2. People take walking for granted but there's something quite magical about moving across the land just by putting one step in front of the other - going from A to B. At walking pace you notice what is around you and the rhythm aids your thought patterns like a musical beat.

  3. I like that you walked along the edge of a swamp, a pond and a creek, with all probably interesting.

    1. The farm was kind of wet, lots of interesting places to see, but not the best farm land

  4. Yes, just have a nice walkabout with no distractions!

  5. I've said it before, but I walk a lot and find it very meditative.

  6. That's exactly what I like to do too. Even when I was a kid and parents didn't want me to cross the street, I'd walk all the way around our block, first in one direction and then in another.

    1. I have a friend who avoids making left turns in her car, she will drive five miles out of her way to do so.

  7. there something to say about wandering.
    Coffee is on.
