Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Travel Tuesday: The Blue Lagoon

A soak in the Blue Lagoon was not in the plan for this trip.  When we went in 2022 admission and bus transportation was included in the package and we skipped it.  Early in the trip we stopped and took some pictures (the first photo below.) When we diverted from Vik, back the KEF, J lamented that he had not packed a swimsuit, that the Blue Lagoon looked like fun.  I said no problem, we will buy one.  I went online and booked admission for Friday afternoon at 2:00.  

Yes the water really is that shade of powder blue.  It is heavy with Silica, causing the color.  The pool is regulated to about 90 degrees fahrenheit, a little below body temperature.  The air temperature was just above freezing, causing a very heavy fog to rise off the pools.  It also made it easy to stand up and cool off. 

Locker rooms and showers are on the second floor, you shower before entering, and if you are wise after.  The lockers work with an electronic wristband.  Towels are provided. 

Admission included a facial mask, provided at a swim up bar along the side of the pool. 

Admission also included one drink at the swim up bar.  Someone asked how much the second beer was in real money, the staff shrugged their shoulders and the guy behind her said, $12.70 to be exact.
Yes, kind of expensive, but look at where you are. 

The Blue Lagoon is very developed, very commercial.  It was a really neat experience. There are about a dozen mineral spring pools around the country, next time we will explore more.  If I win the lottery, maybe we will try one of the hotels.  

A few years ago, a Nikon underwater camera popped up on sale on Amazon.  At one time I dreamed of owning a Nikonos, and couldn't justify the price.  I don't remember what I paid for this, but it was a good value.  I have used it as intended a few times, in the Atlantic, in the Condo swimming pool, for a walk in the rain.  I took it to Iceland to get up and close to a waterfall that you can walk behind.  The snow scuppered that plan, but the camera was perfect for the Blue Lagoon.  


  1. These are the best photos of you guys I've seen. You both look so relaxed. Did you meet Christopher Atkins while you were there?

    1. If so he has grown old and gained about 100 pounds.

  2. What a place to relax and unwind and soak ... in the water and with a beer. I'd even buy a second one!

    1. I was driving, so just one - I want to go back

  3. Wonderful shots! Outdoor hot springs are amazing and fun!

    1. Next time I will plan around them

  4. As I was looking at these wonderful photos, I was wondering how you managed to take these photos while you were in the water. I'm glad you explained the camera.

    1. There were people in water with phones in plastic bags, I wouldn't do that.

  5. Beautiful pictures and it's a great experience isn't it? The one thermal spring we hit in Budapest also had a beer service attached to it.

  6. These are great pics. What a thrilling experience.

