Monday, May 15, 2023

Moody Monday: Knowing When To Turnaround

We had lots of time on the recent adventure to turn down the road less traveled, to explore the back roads, and side roads, and anything that looked like a road.  Sometimes there were signs that it was time to turn around, sometimes I just had to know, this is not a road I wish to go down, too rocky, to rough, a cliff, or geyser, or volcano was ahead.  

Life is like that, we need to read the signs, we need to make judgement calls of when to turn, and when to press on.  Things come at us so fast that it is easy to miss the cues, slow down, take time.  Getting more done, and done well, will move us farther down the road, than reaching avoidable dead ends.  

I rented this in Iceland (parked on a ferry to a volcano.) Not exactly an offroad vehicle.  And I added all of the extra insurance, something I do when renting outside my home country - 0- liability or loss coverage.  Cover everything paint, glass, tires, in Iceland wind blown sand damage (it will sandblast the paint off a car in a couple of hours parked in the wrong place at the wrong time.)   

Knowing our limits helps us make better choices.  If I was driving a four wheel drive truck, I would have continued up a couple of roads, I turned around on.  Life is like that, know yourself, know your limits. 

The first time we were in Iceland I saw a grown man cry at the car rental return desk. He had driven off road and destroyed a tire.  He hadn't paid for the extra insurance, and the replacement tire was $375 on a Ford Fiesta.  About 3 times what he would have paid at home.  Enough to buy that extra insurance for a lot of rental time.  

So how does this fit into moody Monday, I am recognizing my limits, recognizing that by trying to do everything, I am getting less done, than if I said no to things beyond my limits.  I need time to read the signs and trust my intuition, 


  1. A good way to live. Forward is not the only direction.

  2. And these days that's the problem...who reads signs? I used to hate when I worked at Bloomingdales...never failed, someone would always pull on the door to come in anywhere from 830am-930am. They'd see you and yell, are you open? To which , if by a door, I shouted back, Did the door open? They'd say no. Then I relied, Then no! Yet the hours were posted on all four doors, eye level.

    The first picture sure looks desolate.

    1. Down the side of a volcano towards the cliff to the ocean

  3. I'm like you, I like going down the unknown road, but you have to know when the unknown should stay that way.

    1. There are mysteries in this world

  4. Replies
    1. I should have taken a photo a couple of places I turned around

  5. It is easy to see that Iceland gave you much more than photo opportunities. It made you think. I was there in 1991 and it seemed so elemental, so raw. In a sense there is nowhere to hide in a landscape like that.

  6. Wise! You always have a good head on your shoulders.
