Saturday, May 06, 2023

The Saturday Morning Post: Observing History Today

It is coronation day in England.  The first time in my lifetime. A bit of history, in a long line of history. 

I plan to be up early to watch. This may not happen again in my lifetime, or perhaps it will.  Who would have guessed that it would be this long.  I kind of liked the Queen.  My grandmother always worried that if people knew about her love of England, they would think her somehow less of an American.  She and my aunt watched Charles and Diana's wedding, kind of in secret, I wasn't included, my mother was always kind of suspicious of foreigners, even if they were in the family.   

I have mixed feelings about the monarchy.  It seems strange to me that in this day and age, there is still a birthright head of state left anyplace in the world.  If put to a vote, would Charles be placed in charge of anything?  While he has had more of a life connected to reality than previous monarchs, and he does a lot of "work," he has never had to do anything to support himself.  Just being born, entitled him to a massive unpaid job, but he wants for nothing.  

If you watch today you will be able to see history.  To be able to say you saw this one, the last one, the next one, what ever one it might be, you will have been a part of it. 


  1. I will watch what I can of it before I go to a Memorial later.

  2. On second thought... maybe, like you suggest, for historic interest.

    1. He does not look comfortable or happy this morning

  3. I may catch it on the news later, though now I can hear Carlos preparing the morning cafe con leche in the kitchen and the coronation playing in the background, so I may see some now.
    I am not a fan of chuck Windsor.

  4. Meh...I find inherited wealth, power, position, and status a big bummer.


    1. The wealth part would have been nice

  5. Yeah, I skipped watching it.

    1. I figured if I didn't watch this one, I might never see one.

  6. Yes, I watched. It was well worth getting up early for.

  7. I would rather have King Charles III than King Donald I. At least Charles doesn't wind up right wing extremists and get them to storm The Houses of Parliament. It's just a shame that the sun didn't shine on London today - to bring out the colour of all that pageantry.

    1. We don't want he who must not be named either. I have been to London probably 10 times, and only once has it rained.

  8. I saw bits and piece of it.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Lots of pomp and circumstance

  9. Interesting thoughts. I too watched the coronation. Indeed, a lot of it looks out of place today. But the way centuries-old traditions have been weaved into modern-day life is quite remarkable.
    I think there will be more acceptance of the monarchy if the royalty does a lot more for the society and the people at large, and also the public gets to know know more about what the royalty does.
