Thursday, June 08, 2023

Thursday Ramble: Ten Things to Do - Pride Month

1: Wear your colors, I wore the rainbow Virginia is For Lovers t-shirt out to dinner last Friday evening.  

2: Correct the gender assumption about your spouse or significant other.  When someone says "what does your wife do" it is easier to just answer, "a retired college professor" than it is to say, "husband, and he is a retired college professor." Do the hard part - correct the gender assumption.

3: Use the correct pronoun.  When talking about yourself, your lover, or a friend, use the correct pronoun.  If it upsets someone, good for you, on alerting them to their shortcoming. 

4: Read an LGBTQ themed book, if you can buy one - support  LGBTQ+ authors. 

5: Speak out against hate.  Write a blog post, write a political letter, write an editorial, show up at the library book board. 

6: Be an ally - stand up for others - 

7: Speak out against "isms." Sexism, racism, hetrosexism, ableism.  If we stand together for one another we can change the world.  

8: Spend money with LGBTQ+ businesses.  Local or online, support those who support diversity.  Don't support businesses that don't. 

9: If there is a parade, party, or festival nearby - go - stand out- be seen.  

10:  Write a blog post supporting LGBTQ+ individuals.  


  1. A great list and I couldn't agree more with all of them. Especially the Prides and festivals. Now is not the time to be invisible.

  2. That sure is a great list. I was just talking to a friend of mine at a party last night about LGBTQ+ rights and the issues that are being faced today in 2023.

  3. Great list. Visibility is important.

    1. Wearing my rainbow sole shoes

  4. Such a great list. Everyone needs to stand up against the hate mongers.

  5. Fabulous list.
    I often have people ask about my wedding ring, saying, "What does your wife's look like?"
    And I always say, "I don't know what HERS looks like, but my husband's looks just like mine."

  6. Good for you! What we need is courage in the face of attack.

    1. Some things we should not back down from
