Friday, June 09, 2023

Fabulous Friday: No Rubbish

One of our favorite bloggers always tags onto the description of a drink, no rubbish.  I have to agree, I am a whisky (whiskey) snob.  If I am going to drink it, it needs to be the good stuff.   I was living in Kentucky when the market for high quality single barrel bourbons started to develop.  A classmate in law school bought a distillery - one that had not made anything in a decade but still had all of the equipment and an active license.  He has made more money from that, than most of us have from practicing law. 

A good single malt, a single barrel bourbon, a well aged Canadian, things of beauty to be savored slowly in small quantities, without adulteration.  In other words don't water them down or mix them in a cocktail. 

A friend of mine asked if it was grounds for divorce when her husband used a bottle of Blanton's to make mint-juleps,  divorce - that might be a defense to homicide.  It is a good thing she loves him. I wish I had bought a boatload of Blanton's when it was available by the case, I haven't been able to get my hands on a bottle in five years (well - Justin's has them for $500.)  

I have a couple of special bottles in the back on the bottom shelf, things I will probably never see for sale again.  Someday, I promise I will open them. (Wathens single barrel barrel select - when the family still owned them, and Forged Oak orphan barrel 18-year.) Maybe someday we will get an in person blogger gathering, and I can share with the people who brighten my world with their writing, and photos, and art.   


  1. I have never been a whiskey person but I did once have a taste of an exceptional whiskey (shared by a friend who knew what he was talking about) and I could sure taste the difference.

    1. My theory is most people don't like whisky, because they first tried nasty stuff, and didn't like the experience.

  2. Scotch style whisky? Please invite me.

    1. An interesting scotch style, I haven't opened it.

  3. I have never been a whiskey person myself. Once when I was in Scotland, I went to a whiskey tasting, and much to my surprise, they all tasted quite different. But alas, the taste wasn't something I really enjoyed. One tasted (in my humble opinion) like dirt!

    1. I want to go to Scotland. Japan makes some good single malts.

  4. I am not a whiskey person, though I am a tequila snob of epic proportions.

    1. I suspect that good tequila might change my opinion, I am not sure I have ever had the good stuff.

    2. A great aged Anejo, like one from Don Julio or Milagro, is a lovely sipping tequila.

  5. Hey, I TOO AM a well aged Canadian, a thing of beauty to be savored slowly in small quantities, without adulteration!

    1. The last time I was in Toronto I found something amazing the duty free on the way home.

  6. I've lost my taste for whiskey, scotch and bourbon. When I was in my 20's I used to drink it. Those days are long gone. I'll stick to good wine.

    1. A bottle lasts me a lot longer now, than it did when I was in my 20's.

  7. I only like whiskey on ice cream , as the Spanish do it
    Can’t stand it otherwise xxx

  8. I know next to nothing about Whiskey or bourbons. Not a big partaker of it, except I will at times have a nightcap of whiskey-bourbon on the rocks before bed in the winter months..

    1. Always look for the good stuff

  9. It been a while since I bought whiskey. I had some Seagram 7 my son got down in Oregon.
    For grain to make whiskey, I like it made with rye.
    Gin yuk.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe

  10. Oh dear listen to them ! Not a whisky drinker in the midst. Poor things.
    Blanton's to make mint-juleps - there are no words
    I would sell my own grandmother for a Floki.
