Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Thursday Ramble: Expand Your Mind

I baffled my elementary school teachers.  I didn't learn to read the way they expected me to. I didn't sound words out, and learn the spell them as I learned to read.  My brain recognized a pattern of letters, attached a meaning to it, even if I couldn't pronounce it.  They were concerned that I was not really reading, because I was not doing it the way everyone was suppose to.  

The first winter we were in Florida, we were on the West Coast in the community of Spring Hill.  There were community amenities, including a small library that offered classes.  One of the classes was "speed reading." My father wanted to take that one, and my middle school class was on double sessions sessions, meaning I was home at Noon, so he took me along for the afternoon class.  The way I read, was the way that speed reading was taught. My father was sure I was skipping or cheating, the instructor said let him go and let's check for comprehension.  I was getting as much meaning out of the text at 40 or 50 pages an hour, as most people were at 10 pages an hour.  

I remember a handful of books in High School that were required reading.  I would finish them in a weekend, and it would take the class a month to catch up.  One stood out, Walden, I have read that one 50 times, and I still have a copy. 

My first real job required 45-50 hours a week in the office, often alone, and often with only 10-15 hours a week of work.  I started reading, a book or two a week. 

My selection of reading materials is strange. Almost exclusively non-fiction. I wish I had started keeping track of what I have read in my 20's, the list would be well over 2,000 books by now. And is growing by 50 or so a year. I just logged by 27th book finished for this year, Kindle says I have downloaded 448 books since I started reading e-books.  

Reading expands my mind.  I have learned so much.  Reading can cost little.  I buy most of what I read, hoping that the authors make a few pennies for each book I read, to encourage them to keep writing.  

What am I going to do in retirement, catch up on my reading. Keep learning, keep expanding my mind. 


  1. Fascinating about your development as a reader.

    1. Not all brains work the same way

  2. That's interesting. I used to speed read and I think my comprehension was quite good but I don't do it now. I'm still a fast reader. But clearly your childhood brain was working quite differently at reading, seeing patterns of letters, and it worked.

  3. Aha! The secret to your vast reading accomplishments every year! That's a good skill to have.

    1. I have finished 27 books this yearr

  4. I'm kind of jealous of your reading talent. I wish I could read and comprehend that quickly. I'm a much slower reader.

    1. Each person has strengths, my guess is your math skills run circles around mine.

  5. I have never tried speed reading; I wonder.
    I do love reading though, and generally have two or three books going at a time.
    When I met Carlos online back in the last century, and we started talking over the phone, I once asked him:
    "Do you read?"
    And because of the differences in Spanish and English, to him the question was:
    "Do you know how to read?"
    He was quite annoyed that I thought he couldn't read.

    1. I bet your Spanish has expanded over the years.

  6. I have long time admired your reading rate. It inspires me to keep up.

    1. I am having a good reading year
