Wednesday, January 31, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday W's January 31 2024

Where have I been this week?  The DC Convention Center for the Auto Show, King Street in old town Alexandria for a nice long walk about, the Kennedy Center to hear the National Symphony Orchestra, into the City to have lunch with a friend, Museum of American History, grocery stores, my local library (first time in 14 years - on my list of goals for this year - I picked up three books), IKEA it was time for a shopping run. 

Who have I talked to this week? My sweet bear, a dear friend who has been unwell, my replacement at the office. . . I need to work on talking to more people. 

When is the next adventure?  Tomorrow I fly to Louisville, Kentucky for a conference, and the middle of the month I am going to Yale for the elder abuse symposium.  

What made me smile this week?  A mid-winter summer day, it was 80 degrees with bright blue skies on last Friday. 

What am I reading?  I finished "Burn This Book" a collection of essays edited by Toni Morrison, and a very thoughtful collection of essays by Anne Fadiman titled "At Large and At Small." Next up, "Young China" and "The Blood of Emmett Till." 

What am I planning?  I intend to finish out the hotel planning for the trip in May.  It looks like we will be going to a conference in Chicago in August, I will get plans made for that in a few weeks.  

What made me laugh?  HWMNBN* was ordered to pay $88-million,  I hope she starts attaching assets and forcing the sale of them if she is not paid promptly.  A quarter of a century ago, I helped a man who had a small claims judgement against a local business man that had not been paid.  We went go back to court and ask the judge to attach the man's pride an joy, the day they towed the Mercedes convertible, my guy got paid.  I don't need slaps this week, the judge awarded 88,000,000 of them. 

What made me think this week? Two things, certainly there were brilliant thinkers before written language - what great ideas are lost over time because the ideas were not recorded in some way; an exhibit at the Smithsonian on the golden days of magazine publishing. We are seeing a massive shift in how people learn about the world.  And our blogs are a part of it.  

*He who must not be named. 


  1. I suppose #45 will appeal. Maybe he will declare bankruptcy, again. I had to laugh when I read a Florida politician wanted the state to contribute towards #45's court costs. There are some strange people in Florida.

    1. Glad I left Florida almost 30 years ago.

  2. Is that pillow yours? If not, you should get one!

    1. It was $98, at times I can be stingy

    2. Yeah, I've never paid $98 for a pillow either, although that's cheap for a hand-embroidered one. Come to think of it, SG bought three pillow kits at $75 a piece, spent hour upon hour stitching them, and then paid over $100 each to have them assembled. What am I saying?!? Oh, never mind anyway. That was SG, not me.

  3. I hope's able to collect even a portion of that damage award. Bankruptcy rumours are swirling.

    1. I doubt that he really owns much.

  4. Blogs have helped me get to know people from around the world and share my views and learn their views. We all have so much in common.

  5. I asked my lawyer friend about the possibility of an appeal over the judgement and he said he could appeal but he still has to put up a bond in the same amount. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

    1. I wonder if he has any real money, or is it all interests in companies that he can't touch.

  6. Just got done talking to my friend Qunella over the phone.

  7. "He who must not be named"... For the life of me, I cannot think who that might be. It must be a most despicable fellow. Lee Harvey Oswald? The Boston Strangler? Richard Nixon?

    1. I'd sooner talk with RIchard Nixon.
