Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Sunday Five: Birds of a Feather

  1. Can you ride a bike? 
  2. Drive a car with a manual transmission? 
  3. Ski, either water or snow? 
  4. Soar with the Eagles? 
  5. Row a boat? 
My answers: 

  1. Can you ride a bike? Yes, I own three bikes. 
  2. Drive a car with a manual transmission? Yes, I grew up driving manual transmissions. 
  3. Ski, either water or snow? Nope, I have been dragged behind a boat, never tried snow.
  4. Soar with the Eagles? On a good day. (I recently saw to male eagles sparring over mating rights.) 
  5. Row a boat? It has been a long time, but I have. 
Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Yes, but the last time I was a bit wobbly and nearly went into a lake on a narrow path. My bike went to a charity when there was a building bike room clear out.
    2. Yes, but I do appreciate God for inventing auto transmissions.
    3. No skiing but sliding down snow slopes on polyurethane super phosphate bags.
    4. I love eagles but I don't feel like I soar with them.
    5. The last time I rowed a boat was about thirty years ago on a lake and I rowed my Mother and my partner into an overhanging clump of tree branches at the lake shore. It was fun.

    1. It has likely been 30 years since I was in a row boat.

  2. Can you ride a bike? Yes
    Drive a car with a manual transmission? Yes, although I'm not legally allowed in Spain because I took my road test on an automatic.
    Ski, either water or snow? Sadly, no.
    Soar with the Eagles? The musical group? Yes.
    Row a boat? Yes and paddle a canoe.

    1. I have never been in a canoe.

  3. Can you ride a bike? It's been a while but yes I can.
    Drive a car with a manual transmission? It's been a while but yes I can ... my first car was an old VW!
    Ski, either water or snow? I have done both and I like water better; snow seems a lot of climbing a hill, skiing down, climbing a hill ... repeat.
    Soar with the Eagles? In a jet plane? Yes.
    Row a boat? I have done this and it's harder than one would think.

  4. 1. Yes to riding a bike.
    2. Yes to driving with a manual transmission.
    3. No to skiing of any kind.
    4. Yes I've seen an eagle soaring in the wild.
    5. Yes to paddling a canoe, if that counts. Otherwise, no to rowing a boat.

    1. Canoes always look tippy to me.

  5. 1) I have my Schwinn bike from 1960 but I haven't ridden it for years.
    2) I used to but it has been a LONG time.
    3) No skiing.
    4) Flying to Houston in February to see my new grandson.
    5) Haven't rowed for years but usually went crooked!?!

    1. My original Schwinn is from about 1969, and is down in the storage room.

  6. 1. I can. Bike riding has gone way way way down since getting Shep though.
    2. I MISS driving a stick.
    3. Snow - yes. Never attempted water.
    4. Have I been in a plane? Hundreds of times.
    5. I have. I mean, not in 40 years.

    1. A neighbor has a V-series Cadillac, it was the only option that offered a manual transmission, her license plate reads (StShift.)

  7. 1. Can you ride a bike? Yes and I need to get a new one.
    2. Drive a car with a manual transmission? Yes, like you I grew up driving manuals.
    3. Ski, either water or snow? No, neither
    4. Soar with the Eagles? I wish!
    5. Row a boat? I did it once as a teenager, I doubt I could do it now.

  8. Can you ride a bike? Yes and I still do.
    Drive a car with a manual transmission? Yes.
    Ski, either water or snow? No but I do love being on boats.
    Soar with the Eagles? At times...hooted with the owls and crowed with the roosters, too.
    Row a boat? I've rowed a boat (it's hard), paddled canoes and kayaks.

  9. Can you ride a bike? Yes, it been a while.
    Drive a car with a manual transmission? Yes, and learn to drive on 1957 GMC pick up.
    Ski, either water or snow? Water ski. Only been snow ski once.
    Soar with the Eagles? Living in North Idaho, I see quite a few eagles.
    Row a boat? When I was younger. I went to summer camp and we row boat.

  10. Can you ride a bike? Yes!
    Drive a car with a manual transmission? In an emergency, I could probably get you somewhere, but not smoothly.
    Ski, either water or snow? Nope. never have. Likely never will, although if the opportunity presented itself....
    Soar with the Eagles? It's too hard, surrounded by all these Turkeys.
    Row a boat? Only ashore!

