Wednesday, January 17, 2024

My World of Wonders aka the Wednesday Ws January 17 2024

Where have I been?  New York City, the grocery store, the farmers market, Aldi, the gym, the storage vault, an estate sale, Dyke Marsh, 

Who have I seen? Well after New York, my sweet bear, people at the store or gym, Anna at an estate sale at the end of the hall one floor above home, Susan stopped by for a Sunday chat. 

What's cooking?  I made a chicken and white bean chilli, braised pork stew, a beef stew, salmon mousse, - I am very much enjoying having time to cook. 

What am I feeling?  Kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop, for it to really sink in that I am not headed back to the office again. 

What surprised me?  A call asking if I want to lead a field evaluation of a legal aid program. I said yes, details to follow. It is a small consulting project, a week or so of paid work later this spring. 

What am I reading?  I finished three books one on law and history,  one on the creative process, and Ken Dychwold's latest tome on aging. I am working on one filled with stories about old town Alexandria, and a book on writing by George Orwell.  

What did I see at the Marsh?  Three bald eagles, evidence of beaver activity, and evidence of safer sex. 

What have a sorted out?  I worked on my closet, tossing a couple of dozen pairs of pants (trousers) that either didn't fit, or were uncomfortable.  A good start.  I have two largish closets in my bedroom.  

Who have I heard from?  My sister, she is moved into a house she recently purchased, Urspo, Mitchell, Sassybear, and John Gray. 

When am I headed out this week?  As you are reading this I am going to lunch with an author at the George Washington Presidential Library.  The library is open to scholars and for ticketed events.  I finally booked tickets for an event.  I have wanted to see the inside for a long time. 

What made me sad? Watching Grindavik in Iceland. We had a delightful lunch there last April.  

How was the weather? It effing snowed, 2-3 inches, and turned cold. 

Who deserves a slap this week?  The mother who encouraged her kids to run screaming up and down the hallway. 1 out of 5. 

Who deserves a big Thank You this week? Amtrak was ontime, comfortable, and affordable.  



  1. Great news and how flattering regarding the consulting project. That’s a perfect way to transition. Huge congratulations as well on closet progress. I’m enjoying cafe con leche at Meson Salvador. How quickly can you get here?

    1. I missed the Concord, it will take a while.

  2. That "field evaluation of a legal aid program" is I think a good offer to take up. It means that your retirement is not like walking off a cliff. You're stepping down and still somewhat connected.

    1. Somewhat, I have a board meeting on Friday afternoon.

  3. Sounds like retirement is going swimmingly so far! You're certainly eating like kings!

  4. Your activities in the kitchen sound great. Makes me want to cook something.

    1. I enjoy cooking, it is nice to have more time to do so.

  5. Glad you are enjoying your first week of retirement!
    I just finished a great book called "The Woman They Could Not Silence" by Kate Moore - the true story of Elizabeth Packard who was put in an insane asylum by her husband in the 1860s. Women had no legal rights and she had to fight for years for her freedom and the freedom of other women in the same situation. Happened in my own state of Illinois.

    1. Sounds interesting, there are a bunch of laws that people wonder why, that were responses to the abuse of the asylums.

  6. You are having fun in the kitchen! Looking forward to your Foodie Friday.

  7. I'm a fan of white bean chili, with chicken.

  8. I've just cooked some pasta to be added complemented with a mixup of pepperoni red sauce. And I've sorted a couple of file folders holding last year's bank statements. (Why????)

    1. I asked a college student if she had ever written a check, she said "once, I had to ask my grandmother for help." My bank stopped sending statements.

  9. Stay warm!


  10. ntime, comfortable, and affordable. like your men.
