Sunday, July 12, 2015


Classic, old school, grungy, all words to describe the platforms at Newark,  If you fly into Newark, you take a shuttle train, the commuter train, take that into the Newark train station and then change to the subway.  I am not sure if this is the subway platform or the commuter rail platform, but one of the two.  My father would likely know, this is largely unchanged from when we was there during World War II.  If you dig around you might even find a cigarette but he dropped in 1945.


  1. that's an amtrak platform. newark is a dump.

  2. David,
    I haven't been to near as many places as you but one place I've been to is the Newark train platform. Believe it or not, I commuted from Philadelphia to Newark daily for a month or so until I couldn't take it anymore and I requested a change of jobs. The bank (First Fidelity) where I worked in Newark was located right in downtown. Interesting thing that you had to take a glass enclosed catwalk from the bank building to the Newark train station. I remember the first day I was at the bank and I asked where was a good place to go to lunch. I was informed that "one doesn't go outside for lunch." Ever been to downtown Newark? Old naive Ron.

  3. My dad used to fly in and out of Newark in the late 60's. He probably left a butt or two along the way!

    My boss and I landed there once, taxied to the GA terminal, picked up some RCA transmitter parts, and flew back to Petersburg. Not terribly exciting.

    Peace <3

  4. Upon first seeing the title I had hope you were referring to Delaware or California city of Newark but NO... you'd picked Newark, NJ. I thought the picture of the platform looked too clean to be the NJ city!
    Although my parents were born & raised in Newark & I was born there we'd moved out before I was a year old. My grandparents fled during the riots in '64-'65.
    I still have some die hard maternal relatives who live in the Ironbound section which is relatively safe having been repopulated with hardworking people from Cuba & Portugal.
    Sad example of "The Tale of Two Cities" where the 1st is a tiny island in a sea of despair.
