Wednesday, July 05, 2023

My World of Wonders, aka, The Wednesday W's July 5th edition

My thoughts on the US Supreme Court: The Supreme Court is a Court of law, not a court of public opinion. The work of the Court is to interpret what laws mean, resolve conflicts of laws, and ultimately to review if laws are in compliance, or conflict with the Constitution of the United States.  I don't always like or agree with the rulings of the Court.  But I respect the Court, even the justices I most often disagree with.  If we don't like the rulings, we need to change the laws - and - hold your breath the Constitution; that is not the job of the Court.  Yes, there are a couple of Justices that I think should retire quietly, or maybe Congress should be bold an impeach them for misconduct - there is a process for that in the Constitution - not in the Court of public opinion. If we want to change the law - we need to elect leaders who will do so.  Be bold. 
What saddened me this week?  Another one of my high school classmates died. There were only 98 of us, at this rate we will be extinct in a few years. 

What am I wearing?  A bright summer shirt, not a Spo original, but fun and bright just the same. 

Who have I talked with? Just the usual, well actually less than that, many people are on summer break.  

What have I been reading? I finished Tom Brokaw's new book "Never Give Up."  It is short, and well written, as would be expected.  I will start another book soon.  

What made me laugh this week?  At last week's department meeting we were sharing stories about fun 4th of July activities.  One of our interns recalled a memorable 4th of July, a cake with sparklers for candles was brought out, the sparklers lit the plastic tablecloth on fire, leading to general pandamonium, no one was hurt, but no will ever forget that 4th of July celebration. 

What made my head explode this week?  Editing a chapter that has both endnotes and footnotes, IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH. And when I asked, the author confirmed that yes they were doing that. They are going to have to fix that.  

Where have I been?  The farmers market, some specialty shopping, cruising with the top down.  

What have I seen?  I was off on Monday for an extra holiday, we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie, I liked it. The Tour de France has started, that will keep me mesmerized for three weeks. 

What tempted me this week?  Icelandair posted their winter sale, I looked at Rome in January and February, but the real bargain price is in November and December.  I can't get the time I want until after the first of the year.  So, pass until later.  

So what to do in the dead of winter?  I looked at cruises to someplace warm,  the Islands, Central and South America.  I will think on that.  There is still a possibility of three days work in Hawaii in February, work after I have retired, so it is volunteering with someone else paying my travel expenses.  It is a long way to travel.  There is a conference in Kentucky in February that I might go to. 

What have I been thinking about? Bucket lists - I should write a post.  

Who deserves a slap this week?  The person who lives and works in the central time zone, who scheduled a mandatory meeting for 4:30-5:30 PM central time, when 1/3 of the people on the call live and work in the eastern time zone, making it 5:30 - 6:30 PM. If I am scheduling a meeting that involves anyone from our Chicago or Texas offices,  I don't schedule it to start before 10:00 AM my time, 9:00 AM their time. This lack of consideration is an ongoing issue, five slaps out of five. 



  1. Yes, five slaps. With my last corporate job, our senior VP scheduled meetings at 6 a.m., 5:30 p.m., whenever she wanted simply because she could. On top of that, I had clients in all different time zones, so I had scheduled calls with people from Hong Kong at 2 and 3 in the morning, and from Miami at 7 p.m. Ten slaps maybe? I like the shirt!

    1. If I could find some plaid shorts to go with the shirt, I could make your blog.

    2. Even better, a botanical print!

    3. I will go shopping

  2. "cruising with the top down". Yours or your car's? If the former, how well did it work?

  3. Spot on about the court, though I wish we could just kick the grifters off instantly.

    1. A couple of them shouldn't have been there in the first place (I still believe Anita Hill.)

  4. I just saw a reference to sparklers as "angry incense."

    1. Reminds me of what they smell like

  5. Wise words about the Supreme Court. It's been so easy to get mad at them lately.

    1. Congress needs to amend some laws

  6. I so enjoy your Wednesday W's. It's a nice summary of your past week while giving us things to ponder. I ordered Tom Brokaw's book, laughed at the 4th of July story, endnotes and footnotes in the same paragraph...oy!

    1. Someone fixed the endnotes today

  7. I might make my own bucket list. Thanks for the idea.

  8. I would make you a Spo-original if you want one.
