Monday, July 24, 2023

Moody Monday: July 24 edition

Last week felt like trying to take a sip of water, from a firehose.  Nothing terrible, well nothing more terrible than usual, just and endless and overflowing stream of it.  And this week does not look much better.  

A post on YPs blog this past week, made me think, and look back at my blog. I was reading his post about the death of his brother a year ago, at about the same time that I found my father dead six years ago.  His death was expected, my sister had checked on him at about 6:30 AM, when I checked a little after 7:00 he was gone.  Six years - it seems like yesterday - it seems like forever.  

I leave Sunday for a 9 day trip, 5 of them work. It will be good to get away, I doubt that the flow of work demands will slow.  I look forward to the personal days I have added to this trip. 

One day last week I started my work day very early, and I had meetings until 5:00 PM, between meetings in the afternoon, I went for a 40 minute float in the pool. On the video call that started at 4:00, someone remarked that I looked like I had been on vacation out in the sun.  Somehow it bothered me. Maybe I am just a grump. 

We are moving along with travel planning for next spring, that brings me joy.  

I am working on blogging.  Writing stories of characters I have met, and some that I have not, of adventures and experiences.  More than random thoughts, though those will never go away, but more thoughtful content.  The nature of my professional writing, is fact an opinion focussed, with less storytelling.  I read something recently that people remember stories, and learn facts by relating them to the story that is told.  One of the most popular columns in the ABA Senior Lawyers Division Voice of Experience journal is ethics issues, told in offbeat or funny stories.  Often the reader thinks, what a fool, but they remember the rule and how it works.  I want to do more writing like that.  Stories that have a moral, a message.  Twisted fairy tales redux.     

Some days my boat overflows, some days it floats.  


  1. Keep remembering...retirement soon.

    1. I have already used the line, "that will be someone else's problem."

  2. I hope your combined work and recreation trip is good, especially the recreation.

    1. The work part is familiar territory.

  3. That's why Jesus taught in parables, they say.

    1. And stories are easier to remember than commandments.

  4. When my daughter was in 8th grade, she had a wonderful science teacher who taught many lessons using stories to help the students relate to a concept. On a lesson in density, he used a ping pong ball and a small lead ball and asked the students which they thought was heavier. His opening statement..."In my hand, I have two balls." 8th graders...balls...uncontrolled laughter! He changed his intro for the later classes.

    1. And many of us just get older, without ever losing that laughter.

  5. A boat that floats ain't such a bad thing; thin k of the alternative.

    1. Leaky boats, Titanic problems.

  6. Today your boat is overflowing with floats! Sounds like you have been busy.

    1. And I need to take three hours of vacation time this week, use it or lose it.

  7. And some days the boat just sinks. It all makes for interesting stories.

  8. Whatever floats your boat.

    1. It was a stretch to tie the image in, and I liked the image.
