Monday, July 25, 2022

You Tube Monday: E*TRADE Commercial – Astronaut

Nice and short, with a deep message, not my favorite company, but a great commercial.  

I am on a countdown to retirement.  30 years ago, when J was settling into his first teaching job, he committed to retirement savings, about 35 years ago I started putting aside a little here and there.  He was better at it than I was, he had stronger employer matches than I did.  I have an modest old fashioned pension that will start in 17 months. Yes, if I worked another 2-3-4-5 years we would have more at retirement, but we think there is enough - and no one lives forever.  I want to stop working while people are saying, we hate to see you go, rather than them thinking, finally!  


  1. Enough is enough. I’m 5 years younger than SG. I always told him I’d retire when he did. He didn’t retire young enough but at least he retired as soon as he could.

    1. And you appear to live comfortably

    2. The truth is we don’t have much by American standards, not much at all. We do live well somehow. We lost all our money in our hotel 10 years before we retired. We managed to get enough together in the next 10 years to be OK, and that was all that mattered to us.

  2. I think it was Beverly Sills who said she was retiring early because she wanted people to say, "Where'd she go?" and not, "Why is she still here?"

  3. That ad is a hoot, LOL! And I'm all for early retirement. Make the most of a life of leisure while you're still young and healthy enough to enjoy it.

  4. That sign made me laugh! It sounds like you've made good plans.

  5. Replies
    1. You are not that far behind us

  6. We ALL know how I feel about retirement. Do it ASAP.

