Most of the time I sleep well, I go to bed a little after 9:00, usually turn off the distractions by 10:00* and wake around 6:00 AM. I don't set an alarm, I haven't for years. The first stop is the call of nature, most nights I sleep through without attending to the necessities. Then wash my hands, take my daily pills, and go turn the coffee maker on. While magic elixir of life is brewing, I put three ice cubes in a glass, and fix a little breakfast. Toast most mornings. I like to catch the first drip on the coffee, it is stronger, and it goes over ice, hot liquids have always burned my mouth. Then I settle into the chair at the desk in my bedroom, and take a quick look at personal email, make sure no one was reported dead on Facebook (at my age it happens.) Then I work through my blog reading list. On some I leave a daily comments, on others only if something strikes me. I respond to early comments on my blog, most likely from late the night before, my posts generally go up at midnight. I usually take a quick look at the home page of the Washington Post, though I limit myself on what I read these days. Then shower, brush my teeth and pull some clothes on. If I am working at home, I am usually logged on before 8:00 AM, if I am going to the office I try to catch the shuttle bus to the station by 7:32. My ride in takes about an hour, and I read on the train. I love reading on the subway. Work always starts with email. Some mornings that only takes 10 minutes, some days it takes a couple of hours to go through what is there. I try to touch it once, if I can I reply to it before moving on. Some answers require time to think and edit. Some don't. I have a lot of video meetings, and no later than 9:45 my electronic calendar will start reminding me where I need to be in 15 minutes. If I can find time there is a dash the bathroom mid-morning, checking the mailroom on the way. If not, that gets attended to at lunch. When I am home I make lunch and work and eat at my desk. In the office I run downstairs to the deli and order a ham and swiss on whole wheat, not toasted with mayo and pickles - almost always the same thing, and most days eat at my desk while continuing to work. More meetings after lunch, documents to draft or edit, or review. I try to finish by 4:00, more often it is 5:00. If I am in the office it takes me an hour to get home. When I get home, I say hello to my sweetie bear, then take off most of my clothes and check personal email, return blog comments, and check the web. If I work at home, I generally cook, if I work in the office Jay generally cooks. The one who didn't cook, cleans up the kitchen and sets up the coffee for the next day. We watch a couple of hours of television, often with me reading or playing games on my IPad, then I am off to bed a little after 9:00. On the weekends, on Saturday I make a run to the farmers market for goodies and pastries first thing in the morning, return home and work on blogs for 2-3 hours (these things don't write themself.) I try to get out for an hours walk on Saturdays and Sundays. On Sunday I take an early walk, watch the CBS Sunday Morning Show, then veg. I try to catch up on my YouTube viewing and reading. Sunday evening I watch 60 Minutes, then an hour of British television in the living room with Jay, recently Mary Berry, for along time it was Escape to the Country. It is a predictable routine, but I don't think of it as boring. More like settled, serene. I read a lot, I almost always have music playing in the background. I find joy the daily cycle.
*I have a 60 inch Television in my bedroom, and a bed computer, a laptop that 99% of the time is used only when I am in bed.
It's a well organised life and a good and settled routine. Some of us need that. 'Turn off distractions' is a good way of describing it.
ReplyDeleteMy simple life
DeleteI like your routine. It sounds satisfyingly exhausting to me, whose routine is figuring out if I should get out of my nightie if I'm not going anywhere. Spoiler alert, the answer is usually no.
ReplyDeleteWhen working at home, and one Video calls, I have to remember to turn my camera off before standing up. Smirk
DeleteRoutines make life easier, that's for sure. Some people live in absolute chaos all the time. That would drive me around the bend.
ReplyDeleteBoring beats chaos
DeleteI prefer a well practiced daily routine, as well. I have vacations for being unfettered.
Our travel tends to be unstructured -
DeleteRoutines are what keeps us sane.
ReplyDeleteAnd a lack of them drives some of us nuts
DeleteA nice routine. I have some daily routines, but enjoy my random times, too.
ReplyDeleteThere is a simple pleasure and satisfaction to having a routine in which one appreciates all the little things. including the first drip .