Saturday, September 30, 2023

Saturday Morning Post - Saturday Here In the Park

He is good, very good, playing for the love of playing, music for the masses in the park. We are fortunate living here, that there are a lot of great street musicians.  Often they have box for tips, sometimes they have CDs for sale - though that is becoming rare as fewer and fewer people seem to be buying physical recordings.  I still do.  My car is a little older, and has a six-disc in-dash CD player that recently jammed, I am not sure what I will do if it does not become unstuck.   This car does not have bluetooth, I have stopped loading music on my phone.  

I was in the school band for a couple of years, I played the tuba.  I struggled to learn to read music.  I have excuses for that, but perhaps I just didn't have a teacher that knew how to teach music the way my brain works.  Looking back I don't regret dropping band, but I do regret the way I did it.  I was struggling and unhappy, but I let the band down at a challenging time.  

I have wondered at times if I should try again.  I saw an ad recently for a private music school offering adult classes.  I think I would try strings, viola looks like fun and I like the sound.  Maybe this is another idea for after work. 

My taste in music is eclectic. Classical, to jazz, to pop, some rock, folk, some country, very little rap or hip-hop. I like instrumental, if there are vocals I want to be able to hear and mostly understand the lyrics.  I will listen to almost anything.  Some of it moves me. There is almost always music playing when I work.  

Do you play music? If not would you like to learn to play? 


  1. I could play the piano a little in my twenties. I had lessons and my teacher was later found guilty of sex crimes against young girls. He was a bit creepy. I could read music much more slowly than needed to play by music. I would have liked to become proficient but I didn't and what I knew and could do has been lost.

    1. You might be surprised how much would come back.

  2. In high school I played the clarinet and I actually hated it. I was terrible because I didn't enjoy it. I was happy when I dropped it and I'm sure the band instructor was happy too.

    1. My oldest brother and sister played woodwinds, my sister all the way through school.

  3. I sing
    But I’d love to play the piano

  4. I seldom stop to actually listen to the street musicians. I suppose some of them are good. Most around these parts are not and you can hear it quickly.

    1. Even the Ukulele player has gotten better - thankfully he has improved.

  5. Learning how to play the ukulele is all the rage at seniors recreation centres. I had a free lesson once when we were in Honolulu. I got one note right, lol!

    1. Maybe you had all of the notes right and others didn't recognize the genius.
