Wednesday, September 27, 2023

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws

What have I been up to?  I spoke last week at a conference in Pennsylvania, it was so nice to have a live in-person audience.  I could make eye contact and see if they laughed at my jokes.  I drove, about 500 miles over four days. Travel penguin was with me (of course he almost always is.) 

What surprised me this week? My sweet bear, pre-ordered a new phone from the big name with a new phone being released, and was able to get a delivery appointment on the first day of sales at 9:15 in the morning.  We expected to have to wait. 

When is the next adventure?  Mid October. 

Who have I talked with? Beyond the usual of my sweet bear and work colleagues, a bunch of people at the Conference, including a couple of old friends, and the first lawyer I ever co-trained with, and after the conference on the way home Mistress Maddie.  He really does exist.  Travel Penguin approved, we talked for five hours. I have met my match in being able to carry on a conversation.  

Who else have I seen? The Penn State football team was staying in the same hotel in Harrisburg. I rode down in the elevator on Saturday morning with six of the players. I asked how many football players can you stuff in an elevator, and one of them said about 10 and then the overweight alarm goes off and the door won't close. They made me feel small. I bet we could stuff in a few more. 

What am I up to this week?  A few office duties that are time critical, need to be done before the end of the month.  

What surprised me this week? That last Thursday's post about what bugs me these days, drew a record or near record number of comments.  

What terrified me this week?  I made elections to start an old pension from years ago. Once I reached a certain age, unless I was still working for them, the amount of the payout does not increase.  Paperwork submitted.  

Who deserves a slap this week? Ms. Garmin for taking me the soulless all expressway route last week, I ignored her part of the way coming home.  1 out of 5 slaps. 


  1. So nice to see photos of The Mistress... and The Penguin.

  2. I was going to say, gosh Pennsylvania is long way away from you. While our countries are both very large, I amazed at the distances US citizens drive with barely seeming to think about it.

    1. It was faster to drive it than fly it. And yes, many would consider this a day trip up and back.

  3. I would imagine that most gay fellows would swoon with pleasure whilst riding in an elevator with a scrum of testosterone-scented football players.

    1. 30 years ago I would have been very distracted.

  4. So cool that you and Mistress Maddie were able to meet up!

    1. It was a great evening of conversation,

  5. Curses...I left to early! To be stuffed in an elevator with college football player?!?!?! You lucky dog! Though the scenario sounds funny!!!! I laughed out loud! It was a wonderful evening and meal.

    And you got an amazing picture of the capitol dome I see! Bravo!

    1. They checked in about the same time I did, I forgot to tell you the football team was staying in the hotel. They are beefy.

  6. Oh to be stuffed into an elevator with burly football players ...

    And it sounds like you're suggesting Mistress Maddie is Mistress Chatty??

    1. We didn't run out of things to talk about. I think you would enjoy being a part of it.

  7. You've had a busy week! You reminded me of the time I was in Austin TX and staying at the Four Seasons Hotel. The elevator doors opened to me and the Dalai Lama was inside. I hesitated but one of his aides said, "come in, there's room". A surreal experience I'll never forget.

    1. I would likely have become speechless at that point.
