Wednesday, September 20, 2023

My World of Wonders aka the Wednesday Ws September 20 edition

Where have I been?  The office, to Gentlemen's Quarters for a haircut, picked up shirts from the cleaners, the farmers market, and the Colonial Fair at Mt. Vernon.  

Who have I seen?  Rocco for a great haircut, the gang in the office, my sweet bear.  

What have I been up to? Work, doing preparation for a bunch of upcoming training and presentations, a board meeting, walking on the treadmill in the gym.  Staying busy. 

How have I been sleeping?  Generally very well, 8 hours most nights, a little more once in a while.  

When am I headed out?  This morning.  

What have I been thinking about? Balance in life, staying busy, not letting parts of life, outweigh others.  

What have I been reading?  Oprah's new book on happiness, and a collection of essays by John Muir. 

What do I need to do? Finish signing up for retirement.  The paperwork is sitting here.  

What have I been doing?  Getting away from writing checks by setting up more online options.  

Who deserves a slap this week?  Mt. Vernon, they are allowing Bret Baier from Fox News to speak - I sent them a strongly worded letter. 4 out of 5 slaps. 

Who deserves an atta-boy this week? My team at the office, who made their first board meeting work.  


  1. Good luck with the balance!

    1. What do I have to lose, sanity and good looks?

  2. That's a great outfit you are wearing in the top picture but the smartphone is kinda out of place. The tricorn hat really suits you. You should wear it to the office.

    1. Maybe if I started wearing that to the office, they would consider expediting my retirement.

  3. So the Gentlemen's Quarters is not a pseudonym? Just for a haircut.
    To most of the world, the US still using cheques puzzles us. We went from cheques to paying over the phone with our cards in the 80s to automated phone banking in the 90s and by early 2000s internet banking was firmly established and I can't remember when banking phone apps arrived but likely early 2010s. Much to the pain of some old people, bank branches are continually closing as no one uses them. Ditto Auto teller machines. Few use cash. I noted it was much the same in England this year as it is here. Yet unknown to me at the time, in both Canada and New York, handheld EFTPOS machines to pay for a meal has a tip button on them, with an adjustable amount, the minimum being 10%. R was very dubious when his card was taken away to electronically processed, and so he should have been. He was scammed at some point. His bank refunded the amount.

    1. Just an expensive place to get a haircut. About half of Americans still write at least a few paper checks. We are changing, but it will take time.

  4. I love the name of your Barber Shop. It also conjures up other possibles as to what a place called like that would be!!!!

  5. I love the colonial re-enactor's stripey socks!

  6. If it's the same book I read about from Oprah--she cowrote with some guy?--I'd give her a slap.
    My favorite quote from the Dalai Lama is to "want the things you have, not have the things you want." I try to live by that rule, but hearing Oprah, of the excess in houses and sizes and properties and such, seem to co-opt the Dalai Lama's words, rubbed me the wrong way.
    She clearly is more of a have the things you want person.

    1. I agree with what you're saying Bob. I never understand why people try to a mass such Fortune belongings home Etc. When you're dead you're not going to be able to take it with you. I've always lived by the rule less is more.

    2. I didn't like it

  7. I love today's photo! You are keeping yourself busy!

    1. I am in State College PA for a couple of days at a conference

  8. Good for you for sleeping so!
