Friday, September 29, 2023

Funny Friday: The Evil Machine

 I have decided that Keurig is evil. First thing in the morning, I all I want is one large slightly cooled cup of coffee.  At home we set it up the evening before, I walk in to the kitchen, press the button, put a couple of ice cubes in the glass, wait 4-5 minutes and the magic elixir of life, the source of essential caffeine is ready to pour. 

In theory coffee from a Keurig should be easy, pour in the water, pop in the pod, snap it closed and magic happens.  In reality, there are six steps that must be followed in the precise order, before you have  coffee.  After coffee following those six precise steps might not be an issue, but before coffee it is cruel and evil to expect anyone to follow the steps - in order.  And heaven forbid you do not do the steps in order, the damned thing won't work. 

If I used one regularly, I would easily learn the steps, in order.  I am very good at such repetitive tasks. But, I only encounter them when I am traveling and some impressionable innkeeper has followed the latest trend, and put them in the room.  I spend an above average number of nights in hotels, but not enough to learn and remember the steps in the proper order.    All I want is caffeine, not a test of my memory before coffee.   


  1. I have yet like the taste of a coffee from a Keurig. Call me old fashioned, but I swear by my glass Melita coffee pot. Had it for years now. A funnel places on top with filter, I pour boiling water over the top, and let is brew, slowly with my Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, or Kenyan blend. Coffee is meant to brew slow drip for excellent taste. I can't blame you...evil they are.

    1. Simplicity before caffeine.

    2. A French Press is similar, and quite easy to use for coffee.

  2. I've never had coffee from a Keurig. And now it sounds like way too much cooking for me.

  3. Coffee drinking has gotten way too complicated. Mug, teabag, boiling water, milk - what's not to love???

  4. Just go out and buy a cup of coffee and observe the world. Why ice cubes in coffee?

  5. Good gawd, man, you have a law degree. You should be able to figure out how to use a Keurig!

  6. I remember the first couple of times I encountered one of those in a hotel room. I gave up in despair, put some pants on, and when downstairs to have someone bring coffee to me.

  7. Luckily at Casa Bob y Carlos, I have my own personal barista who creates a delightful Cafe con Leche each morning for me.

    1. I was traveling solo, I had to fend for myself.

  8. I can understand your frustration. However, I am happy that never developed the taste for coffee. Once less thing to worry about while traveling.

    1. During covid I replaced diet coke, with cold coffee.
