Sunday, September 03, 2023

The Sunday Five: Happy Blogiversary 18 Years .

The first photo from 2005

Spain December 2022

This baby is old enough to vote, in some ways it is hard to believe that I have been blogging for 18 years.  In the early years, it was all seen through the eyes of Travel Penguin, then I stepped out from behind the curtain. Travel still gets around, he lives in my messenger bag, but does not often come out for a photo.  He is my mascot, my comfort object.  

The cameras and computers have changed a lot over the years.  Some of the earliest images are scans from prints from film, though I had started to use digital by the time I started posting.  The digital cameras have progressed. I am hoping that the camera system I am using now will last the rest of my life. Most of the posts have been created on a desktop computer, a handful on laptops, even fewer on a phone.  I do wish that the computer software people would maintain consistent file folders across platforms, and software updates for photos.    

There are a few lean years, with only a handful of postings, then I decided to get serious about this. I take the commitment to blog daily seriously.  I have only missed one day since 2015. I have no intention of stopping as long as I am able to do this. 

I have created over 4,000 posts, and have received over 33,000 comments, about 840,000 page views, currently I get about 10,000 page views a month.  (For those that wonder, that number of views generates about $10 a month in advertising revenue - more if the ads are good and people click on them.)  

 So today's Sunday Five:
1: How long have you been blogging? 
2: About how many posts have you created? 
3: About how many page views per month? 
4: How many views over the years? 
5: Do you plan to continue blogging? 

My answers:
1: How long have you been blogging? 18 wonderful years 
2: About how many posts have you created? a little over 4,000
3: About how many page views per month? 10,000
4: How many views over the years? 800,000
5: Do you plan to continue blogging? Yes, 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. Happy blogiversary! I'd answer the questions, but then I would have to do research. It's too early in the morning for that. LOL!

    1. You have been on my daily read list for years and years

  2. 1. Nineteen years.
    2. It would nearly average one a day, pulled back because I don't post when on holidays.
    3. Around 10,000.
    4. The figure I can see for my current blog is around 4,500. I don't really understand this graph and information.
    5. Indeed I do. I used to blog in the early days and get no comments. Slowly that changed.

    1. I remember when you started the new blog

  3. 18 years! That's a long time.
    1: How long have you been blogging? Nearly 13 years
    I prefer to ignore my stats. Otherwise I might feel pressure to do “better.”
    5: Do you plan to continue blogging? Yes

  4. 1: How long have you been blogging?
    2: About how many posts have you created?
    3: About how many page views per month?
    currently 65.000
    4: How many views over the years?
    5: Do you plan to continue blogging?

    1. The lovers outnumber the haters

  5. 1. 20.5 years.......or so.
    2. 6,826. as of today.
    3. it ranges from 12,000-47,000. no consistency.
    4. 2,043,152. as of right now.
    5. I have no plans to stop. Sometimes I wish I did have that plan, but for now. a post a day for the foreseeable future.

    1. I look forward to your daily commentary

  6. 1: How long have you been blogging? Since the fall of 2008 ...fifteen years? Oy!
    2: About how many posts have you created? 10,879
    3: About how many page views per month? Last month was 120,000?
    4: How many views over the years? 7,433,561
    5: Do you plan to continue blogging? Yes.

  7. Math? There's math involved?! I don't blog for several reasons.
    1. Incompetent
    2. Technology challenged semi-Luddite
    3. Nothing interesting to say for the most part.
    4. Pure, unadulterated laziness.
    5. Nail in the coffin? MATH!
    Sorry for bringing my own Sunday five. I'll try not to do it again.

    1. We love your comments! And you would be great as a blogger.

  8. Swim on, O mighty Bird!

  9. 1: How long have you been blogging? 15 years on July 11th.
    2: About how many posts have you created? 5,534
    3: About how many page views per month? about 4,000
    4: How many views over the years? about 1.5 million
    5: Do you plan to continue blogging? yes!

    1. I look forward to your daily post, when pressed for times, I always have time for your post.

  10. Happy 18th Blogoversary! This comment is on the fly, so I don't have time to check my own stats but I intend to keep blogging as long as it is fun and I enjoy it!

  11. I too join the conga line of congratulations! So today's Sunday Five:
    1: How long have you been blogging? 2006
    I don't know the answers to 2-5.
    5: Do you plan to continue blogging? yes for I love it so.

    1. I have met so many neat people through blogging.

  12. I never check my stats so I had to find them and I'm not sure I'm reading them right, but here goes:

    1: How long have you been blogging? 20+ years (started in 2002 I think?)
    2: About how many posts have you created? I deleted my blog and then started again in 2011. Current stats are 3,118 posts since 2011, so probably easily twice that overall.
    3: About how many page views per month? 32K?
    4: How many views over the years? 345K?
    5: Do you plan to continue blogging? Yes

