Wednesday, September 06, 2023

My World of Wonders, aka, the Wednesday Ws

What saddened me this week?  The death of Jimmy Buffet, a part of the soundtrack of my life.  He did so much, and as always there was so much to be done.  Keep your adventure list full and keep crossing things off.

Who have I seen?  The first Friday of the month we host an unofficial LGBTQ happy hour gathering in the restaurant here at the condo.  Three of our neighbors were there this month, we talked for nearly three hours.  On the first Saturday morning the condo hosts a coffee and conversation hour, for the first time ever I went over on Saturday, and saw a couple of neighbors I know, and met a couple I had not. There are over 1,000 apartments in the condo, so there are lots of neighbors to meet. 

How was my week?  Well I didn't commit any felonies and I didn't stumble across any dead bodies, those are the positive things.  I did get some things done, moved a few projects along, worked on my angry mood and did some good editing. It was not an easy week.  

What made me smile?  Saturday when I left for the farmers market it was 66F, I put the top down on the car, and the smile came up. By Monday afternoon it was back to 100F.

Who deserves a big THANK YOU!  I am working on a project that needed an approval for an exception to a normal budget rule, and the head of financial services said yes, in less than 5 minutes when we emailed him. 

Where have I been this week? Home, the office, the farmers market, the usual. 

What have I been planning?  I booked travel for Chicago in late October and New York City in early January.  

Who deserves a slap this week?  Probably me, for letting the stress get to me, getting fussy, and grumpy.  Just one, a day, until I get my act together.  

What will challenge me in the next few weeks?  Deadlines, and projects that are behind schedule.  

What made me smile? A high school classmate reached out to me on FB, about bees. Apparently a couple of years after I finished school and moved away, my father gave him a couple of colonies of bees, and he has kept bees on and off for much of his life and reached out to say thank you for the kindness 45 years ago.  

What surprises people?  I made money on Three Mile Island (TMI.) TMI was a nuclear power plant that had an accident in the 1980s, nearly melted down, a disaster.  Shortly before the utility company that owned it went bankrupt, when their stock was down to about $2 a share, I bought some, the company was bought out, and the stockholders were given stock in the new company. I turned a few hundred dollars into a few thousand dollars.  It could have just as easily become worth nothing. Sometimes you just need to take the gamble.  I am still waiting for BP to get their act together, I don't know how you can not make billions in the oil business.  Still the gains are greater than the losses.  


  1. That message about the bee keeping would have made my entire week.

  2. It is hard to imagine 1000 plus condos in one property. A place that size will need very skilled management. You haven't mentioned it, so I guess the management is ok.

    That is a nice little tale about the bees. People who have big issues with social media must be doing it wrong.

    1. There are four 15 story towers, and very good management, one of the reasons I bought here.

  3. As I tell people who ask how my day is going, "I haven't made anyone cry, and I haven't killed anyone."
    That's a good day.

    1. I haven't left anyone in tears in almost a year.

  4. "Well I didn't commit any felonies and I didn't stumble across any dead bodies." Sums up my weekend.

    Well at least that I can recall.

    1. Oh, we high hopes for your weekend.

  5. How nice that your old high school associate reached out to you after all these years!

  6. Reaching out to you about the bees was a very nice thing to do. The heat this year has been hard to take. With humidity it must be even worse than here.

    1. It is 96 again this afternoon.

  7. 66 degree temps sounds heavenly! It is really good that you are living in such a social community.

    1. There is a lot more here we can get involved with.

  8. You never struck me as being fussy or grumpy

  9. I didn't know that you were a wheeler dealer on the stock market... "Buy!", "Sell!"

  10. The stock market terrifies me. I like the idea of making money, but hate the idea of losing it. I am a bird in the hand kind of guy...risk taking is not my thing.


  11. The lack of finding dead bodies this week makes me wonder how often you do.
